A Sonnet
Endearing stories are reserved, beautification is in the sorrow,faltering castles fall into the bewitched sand…
It’s showtime, pass me the papernightmares, I see them in coloryour lines are fiction, they’re vaporhere…
Today’s whispers become icicles, hanging barns,horizons melt into the aftermath of procreation,orange sun makes it’s debut, crisp morning air…
Tides invading the sides of frigid waters,neurotransmitters elect a perceptive mind,capturing a loss of attention that evades auspicious…
Concentric with the will of the divine,our Spirits are dancing with the run of wild coyotes,forests provide majestic covering of blueprints in…
Perhaps you are the flower in the stoneor, else, the memory I would hold, alonewhen all is…
Will you embrace the daisy and the rage,the passionflower you could ne’er controland…
after the Rev. Nadia Bolz-WeberSunday Prayers, May 17th, 2020.