Navigating the Crossroads of Personal Growth and Work: A Journey

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8 min readDec 24, 2023

At the end of 2021, a peculiar moment of reflection dawned upon me. After recovering from a bout of COVID-19, I awoke to find myself alone, with my daughter at her mom’s place. It was a moment of solitude, an unexpected pause that prompted me to ponder the lessons life was subtly imparting. Little did I know, this moment would mark the beginning of a profound exploration of the delicate balance between spirituality and the demands of the everyday world.

Before the pandemic swept across the globe, I had successfully managed to weave a tapestry of balance between spirituality, work, and family. However, as the grip of COVID tightened, I found myself at a crossroads. The spiritual practices that had been the cornerstone of my focus were completed, and the post-graduate phase beckoned. It was a juncture that demanded a holistic approach to life, urging me to relinquish certain aspects of my social life that I wasn’t quite ready to part with.

In the pre-Covid era, my life had been a canvas of unfulfilled goals and aspirations. Yet, as the pandemic unfolded, the decline in work, coupled with my inadvertent neglect, left me grappling with a sense of purposelessness. What had once motivated me in the professional sphere lost its luster, creating a void that begged for introspection.

This existential crisis led me to question the very concept of life’s purpose. I arrived at the conclusion that we often construct purposes to distract ourselves from the deeper questions of existence. In the absence of these constructed purposes, we are confronted with the profound and daunting question of who we truly are.

So, how did I find myself at this critical juncture? To understand this, we need to delve into the series of events that shaped my journey.

Following my separation, I embarked on a quest for answers, a journey that frequently propels individuals towards spirituality. Before encountering my guru, my personal quest had already begun. It was only when I found the answers I sought that I became fully immersed in the spiritual realm. The transformative effects were evident as my mind settled, and I became more conscious of the world around me.

My deep dive into spirituality became a world of profound learning, where challenges were not obstacles but opportunities for growth. Initially hesitant to embrace this path, I had postponed it for the longest time. Looking back, I wished I had embraced spirituality earlier, perhaps during my marriage or even before. Life, however, had its own plan — a plan that taught me a crucial lesson about surrendering to the journey.

The journey marked a profound shift for me, an unexpected embrace of a new way of life. Unlike my academic past where I struggled, spirituality became a source of joy and eagerness. Reading and writing, once unappealing, transformed into gateways of understanding and wisdom. It was as if a learning barrier from earlier years had dissolved, or perhaps, I had lacked the inclination.

In this odyssey, my initial sense of longing evolved into fervent devotion. I adapted swiftly, absorbing profound lessons about life and willingly stepping out of my comfort zone. This shift was particularly significant for someone like me, a privileged individual accustomed to the comforts of a familiar pond. The University of Spirituality orchestrated a deliberate shift, divesting me of the luxuries that had once defined my life.

This detachment, reminiscent of the ascetic life of a monk, demanded sacrifices. I found myself relinquishing not only the comforts that once defined my lifestyle but also distancing myself from friends and work commitments. The pace of change accelerated, and I became deeply entwined in this new world. Simultaneously, the demands of my business intensified, calling for my attention.

Juggling the complexities of separation and this immersive journey became an intricate dance. Life seemed to dictate that I undergo this dual experience, offering profound lessons along the way. While my guru provided guidance and support, the demands of work clamored for my presence. Balancing these disparate aspects proved to be an overwhelming challenge, highlighting that perhaps, I wasn’t designed to navigate so many facets simultaneously.

Immersed in this newfound school of learning, I found joy in the ease with which I absorbed knowledge. However, it seemed as though I was in a constant rush. Every month brought new travels, diverse programs, and a shift in my diet, all while neglecting the demands of my work. I took my guru’s teachings quite literally, unintentionally adopting a monk-like lifestyle, and the consequences were severe.

In my haste, I failed to recognize the aging process of my parents and the pressing needs of the family business. Despite moving back to India after my college days in America, where I had immediately delved into work, I found myself sidetracked. The allure of luxury and a certain lifestyle had initially driven me to work tirelessly. The enticing elements — money, power, and the allure of travel — all held irresistible appeal.

However, I inadvertently jeopardized a revenue stream that had long supported my lifestyle. Work, which I once pursued with passion, became a casualty of my singular focus on spiritual pursuits. The motivation that had fueled my efforts at work, the enjoyment of travel, and the vibrant days of my youth — all of these were supported by the very work I now overlooked.

Once a living and breathing part of my life, I neglected my work when it needed me the most. However, this neglect was the crucible in which my growth took root. It was a challenging decision, one that required me to make a tough call. Witnessing the struggles of those around me with their spiritual journeys, I understood the gravity of my choice.

While I wasn’t the most exemplary student, surrounded by others far more adept, they carried expectations and agendas. In contrast, I approached the process without preconceived notions. My focus was on savoring the journey within the spiritual school I had entered. For the first time, learning was a source of joy, though I couldn’t help but wish it had come to me earlier in life to prevent the mistakes I made.

Yet, reflecting on the struggles of those around me, I realized that the fire within me, the essence of my personal growth, might not have ignited without those mistakes. My business, an unexpected facilitator, exposed me to a side and dimension of life I never knew existed.

Around me, others experienced growth at different paces. Some shuffled between work, family, and spiritual life, experiencing a gradual, steady ascent. Some, frustrated by slower progress, persevered. Others consciously chose a slower path, aware of the consequences but determined to navigate their journey with mindfulness.

Unfortunately, I was not prepared for the seismic impact of the pandemic. Operating in the manufacturing and export sector, my business took a substantial hit as it was deemed non-essential during these unprecedented times. The challenges were profound, and the demand for our products plummeted.

Fortunately, my journey in spirituality had equipped me with mental resilience, offering stability amidst the chaos. While I observed others around me grappling with the onset of mental health issues, I found myself better positioned to navigate the storm.

However, transitioning from the realm of spirituality to the demands of work was akin to making a sudden U-turn in a sports car hurtling at 100 miles per hour. I needed to decelerate, gather my thoughts, and shift lanes to re-enter the reality of our daily lives. Suffering from a spiritual hangover, the abrupt switch to work the morning after felt daunting. The subsequent two years proved to be a significant challenge as I struggled to reintegrate into the work routine. The global impact of the pandemic compounded the difficulty of an immediate shift.

Reflecting on this period, I questioned whether my decision to fully immerse myself in spiritual practices had been the optimal approach. Could I have taken a more gradual path, like many others do, or did my leap of faith hinder a smoother transition back to work? Contemplating the possibility of maintaining a balance, I wondered if a more measured approach might have steered the ship away from the iceberg, preventing the impact on the many passengers who depended on me.

Whether this series of events unfolded for the best, I am uncertain. What I’ve learned is that in the journey of gaining something new, one often has to make sacrifices. The onset of COVID-19 blindsided us, and the business, unprepared for such a drastic shift, struggled to adapt promptly. The agility that might have been present had I still been deeply entrenched in the business world was regrettably absent.

Only time will reveal whether neglecting my work was the right choice, but it’s crucial to recognize that dedication to any process in life often involves sacrificing things to which we are deeply attached. This may include family, work, friends, or even our lifestyle — albeit temporarily. Change, although challenging, is often necessary.

Entering the spiritual realm requires readiness and a willingness to make sacrifices. It’s a transformative journey that brings you closer to your true nature, unveiling a beautiful world. However, it also presents various challenges, one of which, in my case and for many others, is the sphere of work. As the saying goes, “be careful what you wish for.”

I’m uncertain about what life has in store for me moving forward, but I felt compelled to share this insight for those undergoing similar experiences. Perhaps, had I divided my time between work and spiritual practices, I might not have gained as much in the spiritual realm. It could have allowed me to turn around my business during the challenging times. For me, it became a moment of gaining some and losing some.

Navigating life’s decisions involves various factors, including the phase you’re in, your karmic structure, and external forces shaping your choices. In the pursuit of spirituality, it’s crucial to tread cautiously, considering the impact on different aspects of your life. My advice, until you are absolutely sure, is to take the plunge into spirituality cautiously. If you believe you can juggle multiple responsibilities effectively, then go ahead. However, don’t hastily give up your day job just yet.

As a SoulDad, my goal is to support families on their path of spiritual and individual growth. I achieve this by sharing my own experiences and encouraging others to do the same through leaving comments or creating their own blogs about their journey.

Additionally, here’s a list of my past blogs that may help you help your child grow and evolve in these changing but still delightful times

Finding Strength Within: 5 Practical Tips to Help Navigate Life’s Low Points
Creating a Foundation for Spiritual Success: Steps to Take Before Embarking on Your Journey
Transforming Gossip into Growth

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Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting