Transforming Gossip into Growth

My Journey and Lessons for My Daughter

6 min readJan 26, 2023


Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

My daughter came home upset one day and went straight to her room without much communication. I could tell something was troubling her, but I didn’t push for answers. I knew she would open up eventually.

Later in the day, she confided in me that her friends were gossiping about her and she felt hurt. I listened with compassion and reminded her that people often gossip out of fear and insecurity. I urged her to focus on her own growth and inner strength, rather than the negative words of others.

That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn’t help but think about my daughter’s distress and how it reminded me of my own struggles in the past year. 2022 had been a challenging time for me — filled with obstacles and lessons.

But, though, I faced many hurdles and made some mistakes, I was able to learn and grow from them. I reminded myself of the importance of compassion, not just for my daughter, but for myself and others, as we all have struggles and challenges to face.

The pandemic gave me time to reflect on my choices and actions. I realized that for some time, I had neglected some relationships and certain aspects of my work to focus on my spiritual development.

Since I couldn’t travel for work, leisure, or spiritual practices, the time of stillness made me realize that I am neither a monk nor am I entirely consumed by worldly affairs.

So, I tried to reconnect with some friends who had drifted apart. I perhaps acted a little impulsively, and shared too much personal information with them, which ultimately led to misunderstandings.

I also fell back into some old habits, which left me very feeling dissatisfied and disappointed with myself.

The past six years had been devoted to my spiritual practices and raising my daughter…

But now she’s 12 years and manages quite well on her own. I thus had started feeling a void… I may have accomplished what I set out to do, but the void needed to be filled. And so, I was tempted to return to my past self.

Moreover, once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in 2022, I found myself struggling to find purpose and direction in my life.

Despite my effort, things were not going well.

I faced criticism and judgment for my choices, particularly in regard to socializing and partying. Some questioned if this behaviour was compatible with my spiritual practices or writing.

I soon realized that my attempts to find fulfilment by returning to old habits were not working.

During this time, I had even given into vanity, by buying a hairpiece to look younger, which resulted in ridicule and gossip from my friends and acquaintances…

One unflattering picture of me on social media led to even more gossip and speculation about my supposed “fall” from my previous spiritual practices.

I reminded myself that spirituality cannot be judged by external appearances and should not be defined by the opinions of others.

The previous night, I was unable to sleep as I reflected on the valuable lessons from the past year. My daughter’s situation prompted me to consider the impact it had on me, and I eventually had an epiphany.

The next morning, I was eager to share my newfound understanding with my daughter…

During breakfast, I explained to her in simple terms what she was going through, and how it related to my own experiences. I realized that those who speak negatively about others simply need compassion, as they are often hiding behind their own fears and shortcomings.

I quoted from the internet — “Gossip is just a tool to distract people who have nothing better to do from feeling jealous of those few who are actually living.” — Unknown

I also shared with her my realization that small-minded people talk about people while great-minded people focus on making a positive impact on the world with their ideas.

When people gossip, it often reveals more about them than it does about the person they’re speaking about.

It may indicate jealousy or insecurity on their part. The important thing is to stay true to yourself, and not let others’ words discourage you from achieving your goals.

Gossip only affects us when we give it too much power.

And, instead of allowing it to bring us down, we can convert it into a tool for personal growth.

I reminded my daughter that I am always here for her if she ever needs someone to talk to. She hugged me, and we continued our breakfast together.

2022 was a turning point for me.

I realized that while I had been working on personal growth, it was now necessary to apply those changes to the external world as well. My spiritual practices had prepared me to handle difficult situations, but now it was time to create a more stable and secure life.

Additionally, I realized that I had become too comfortable and needed to actively work on areas of my life that I had neglected. I felt youthful on the inside, but my appearance did not reflect that.

I was experiencing moments of uncertainty, similar to the volatility in the world.

However, I felt a sense of connection with the universe and believed that a breakthrough would soon come my way.

Despite facing challenges in 2022, I was able to stay afloat with the support of my family, daughter, spiritual practices, and genuine friends.

My perspective had shifted, and I now understood that setbacks were opportunities for growth.

I used negative gossip as constructive criticism, which gave me new perspectives on how to handle my life and my daughter’s life better. As a result, I started blogging more, studying new subjects, and gaining more knowledge.

I soon realized that this uncertain time had actually worked to my benefit, and I was no longer fearful. Life had become more clear and more focused.

We may have all participated in gossip at some point in our lives. However, it’s important to be mindful of our words in the future and consider their potential impact on others. Instead of speaking negatively about others, let’s strive to uplift and praise those around us for their positive actions and contributions.

While gossip can be harmful, constructive feedback can be beneficial in helping others improve and grow. Remember that we are all a work in progress and by working together, we can reach our full potential and become the miracles we were meant to be.

As a SoulDad, my goal is to assist parents and children in their spiritual and personal growth. I accomplish this by sharing my own experiences and encouraging others to share their own unique parenting experiences through the comments section, or even by contributing blogs of their own.

In my blog titled How To Talk About Gossip To Teenagers: Strategies to Reduce Its Impact on the publication Celebrating Parenting, I talk about some ways in which parents can help navigate the dark seas of gossip with their children. This article discusses strategies that prevent gossip from hindering personal growth, and, perhaps, doing away with it altogether.

Additionally, here’s a list of my past blogs that may help you help your child grow and evolve in these changing but still delightful times

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Join me, an avid blogger & entrepreneur, on my journey of self-discovery as a devoted father & son. Sharing experiences & wisdom on entrepreneurship, parenting