Archive of stories published by soundvibe

Simple reactive microservices using rxJava Observables

Functional Reactive Programming is what interest me the most nowadays. RxJava is a great library which implements reactive extensions for the JVM. There are many reasons why functional reactive programming using RxJava is beneficial:

Me, Marshmallow and Spring4D

I’ve decided to donate Marshmallow ORM framework and join Spring4D open source project. My work currently resides in the feature branch, Spring.Persistence namespace and will be tightly integrated into Spring framework. We are working hard to make it into the master branch. I…

SQLite for Delphi

With Delphi now being cross platform (Delphi XE2) the need to have a local database is probably higher as never before. SQLite greatly fits into this role — it is free, open source, cross platform, fast, powerful, etc… Probably it’s the best embedded database You can get. Personally, it is my…

Kotlin is great for writing DSLs

Kotlin is the rising star of the new programming languages. After Google has announced that it is officially supporting Kotlin as a first-class language in Android development, it’s interest has grown drastically.

These were the top 10 stories published by soundvibe; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019.