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Source Code Meditation
Welcome to Source Code Meditation. The brain First Meditation Revolution !
Note from the editor

Welcome to Source Code Meditation. The brain First Meditation Revolution !

Go to the profile of Dr. Michael Cotton
Dr. Michael Cotton
Leading theorist in the evolution of consciousness, culture, and the brain. Founder of The New Human University, Source Code Meditation and Higher Brain Living.
Go to the profile of Steven Giron, Ph.D.
Steven Giron, Ph.D.
Director of Education at The New Human University. Elementary-particle physicist. Creating conditions for emergence of The New Human. Revolution is in the air.
Go to the profile of Dr. Michael Cotton
Dr. Michael Cotton
Leading theorist in the evolution of consciousness, culture, and the brain. Founder of The New Human University, Source Code Meditation and Higher Brain Living.
Go to the profile of Steven Giron, Ph.D.
Steven Giron, Ph.D.
Director of Education at The New Human University. Elementary-particle physicist. Creating conditions for emergence of The New Human. Revolution is in the air.