Top Stories published by Spontaneous Order in April of 2013

Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013), RIP

Margaret Thatcher, a friend of individual liberty and free markets, passed away yesterday. She was 87.

It is convenient and easy for politicians to implement populist policies that garner support in the short-term but comes at the cost of…

Shut Down TRAI and Let Free People TRY Instead

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) wants to compel broadcasters to limit the amount of advertising to 12 minutes per hour, as compared to the current 21 minutes.

10th Jeevika: Asia Livelihood Documentary Festival Announced

Economist Hernando de Soto in his book “The Mystery of Capital” demonstrates that living standards of the western economies rose and poverty was alleviated not by piecemeal solutions or stopgap measures. Living standards rose…

Migration, the Fast Track to Development?

In an interview discussing “linear” vs. “transformative” types of philanthropy, Prof. Lant Pritchett writes the following:

“The easiest way to increase a poor person’s wealth is to let him or her move to a rich country. Most poor…