For all the wonders the Internet has provided us video gamers, the entire industry has been marred by the sudden onset of large scale complaints by the very people claiming to be the foundation of the past time.
A fruit loving race from the planet Koppai are searching the stars for a world containing food to feed their population. At the end of all hope, a deep-space satellite picks up some positive signs of food and you are instantly thrust into the universe that is Pikmin 3.
Dark is the best vampire game I have ever played. Unfortunately for Dark, the only other vampire games I’ve ever played have been Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds and Blade.
Dark is a game based on stealth, much like Metal Gear Solid, though I feel dirty…
If there’s one thing I’m certain of having playing Stealth Inc. Clone in the Dark, it’s that video games can make grown men cry.
There’s only one way to describe Platinum Games’ upcoming Wii U title, The Wonderful 101, and that is; totally bonkers.
The fast and frenzied action the studio is known for is evident in almost every facet of The Wonderful 101, meanwhile…
Cloudberry Kingdom wants your head on a plate. It boasts unlimited levels and some of the hardest platforming you can find. With this comes a love/hate relationship, the game clearly hates you, but you can’t help but love it for its brilliance and charm.