Which token to choose for staking?

Elina Cheese
Stake Service
Published in
6 min readJul 1, 2022

Over the past few years, the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem has expanded significantly. Now there are many projects based on this consensus mechanism. Among them there are unique projects with great investors, strong community support, and reliable developers, as well as frankly weak projects, without a new idea or even scam ones. Stake Service is a validator in top-level networks. We supported such projects as Solana, Agoric, Regen and many others in the early stages, and we continue to support them. In our portfolio we have collected the most interesting and reliable networks in our opinion. We understand that in the variety of projects that we have today, it is difficult to understand which one to choose. Below we present you a list of tokens that you can stake to our validator. We have briefly displayed the main parameters that delegators should pay attention to. All of these are only for informational purposes, it is not an investment recommendation! Always DYOR!

*will be updated later

**the reward mechanism has not yet been launched

We have also prepared a brief overview of each project. If you want to learn more, you can read detailed articles in our blog.


Solana is a layer 1 blockchain that focuses on fast and cheap transactions, and also supports the development of smart contracts. Solana can process up to 65,000 transactions per second (this is the theoretical peak throughput) with an average commission of $0.00025 per transaction. Its feature is its own variation of the PoS which is Proof-of-History consensus mechanism. Solana also uses other innovations such as Pipeline, Sealevel, Tower BFT, Turbine, and some others. Solana is one of the leading platforms for NFT, GameFi, Move-To-Earn. It recently has launched Solana Pay and a Web3-based smartphone, and it also actively cooperates with other networks (for example, Neon EVM).

Website: https://solana.com/ru

Whitepaper: https://solana.com/solana-whitepaper.pdf

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/introduction-to-solana-f35e23a25a61

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/how-to-stake-solana-tokens-7a6542fe4ec8


Celo is a layer 1 blockchain and the first mobile DeFi platform. Celo allows any user to connect to the network with minimal data requirements. With Celo, you can send and receive cryptocurrencies using a mobile phone number instead of leaving complex, long strings of letters and numbers as blockchain addresses. Celo matches phone numbers with wallet addresses using a new decentralized address-based encryption algorithm. Accounts linked to phone numbers allow you to send and receive payments using existing contacts. The project also supports the development of smart contracts and dApps.

Website: https://celo.org/

Whitepaper: https://celo.org/papers/whitepaper

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/money-can-be-beautiful-37c42a8d535a

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/hey-guys-today-well-take-a-look-at-how-you-can-use-the-cello-wallet-to-stake-your-own-cello-92730ac24aa5


Agoric is a blockchain built on the basis of the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint. Agoric uses the Inter-Blockchain (IBC) protocol, which means that it can connect to any Cosmos chain and any chains that will accept it in the future. This opens the door to cross-chain liquidity, providing enhanced trading opportunities. Agoric has created a platform for developers who can use JavaScript programming language to create their smart contracts. It is called Zoe, and Object-capability security architecture (OCAP) and the Electronic Rights Transfer Protocol (ERTP) are used to implement it.

Website: https://agoric.com/

Whitepaper: https://agoric.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Agoric-White-Paper-v1.0-1.pdf

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/agoric-d288f101efd6

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/how-to-stake-agoric-bld-tokens-312c0dfd8b37


Regen is a layer 1 blockchain that combines the science of Earth observation from satellites and blockchain. Together, this creates a high-quality environmental monitoring, reporting and verification system that integrates environmental research into a single and properly managed system. Smart contracts created between sponsors and farmers work together to create algorithms that meet environmental requirements. Regen can also issue carbon credits to buyers who want to protect the climate.

Website: https://www.regen.network/

Whitepaper: https://regen-network.gitlab.io/whitepaper/WhitePaper.pdf

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/regen-network-blockchain-network-of-ecological-knowledge-573db3ac7880

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/staking-regen-with-keplr-43b5d630fb16


Centrifuge is a Layer 1 protocol that works to improve financial supply chains, making them much more efficient and open. The project is built on Polkadot, at the same time dApps can connect to Ethereum. This gives Centrifuge an advantage in accessing the two largest crypto ecosystems: one for DeFi liquidity (ETH) and one for speed (DOT).

Website: https://centrifuge.io/

Whitepaper: https://docs.centrifuge.io/

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/introduction-to-centrifuge-379303ae8dda

How to stake: soon

The Graph

The Graph is a protocol for indexing data requests for networks (for example, Ethereum and IPFS). It is used to collect, process and store data from various blockchain applications to facilitate information retrieval, as well as to improve the performance of decentralized applications. A feature of its technology is a system of subgraphs. The network has indexers, curators, and delegators.

Website: https://thegraph.com/en/

Whitepaper: https://thegraph.com/docs/en/

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/introduction-to-the-graph-a5ec70c10d4a

How to stake: soon

Oasis Network

Oasis is a layer 1 blockchain that primarily ensures privacy. It is designed for DeFi and a responsible user-owned data economy. The network divides consensus operations into two main layers: the Consensus Layer and the ParaTime Layer. This combination opens up new use cases. For example, with secured loans, users can upload financial data that allows them to determine their creditworthiness and ensures that they pay off their debts. In turn, lenders can offer secured loans on the blockchain.

Website: https://oasisprotocol.org/

Whitepaper: https://oasisprotocol.org/papers

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/introduction-to-oasis-b589f52efe5f

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/howe-to-delegate-rose-tokens-ad58cd84e542


Sentinel is a project that aims to provide Internet access in a reliable and provable way. The safe and holistic dVPN network created by Sentinel operates using provable encryption, Proof of Bandwidth, proof of the absence of logs, distributed exit nodes and distributed relay network. dVPN can be used by both legal entities and individuals. Sentinel aims to collaborate with already existing centralized VPNs to help them rebuild to a decentralized structure.

Website: https://sentinel.co/

Whitepaper: https://sentinel.co/whitepaper/

Introductory article: soon

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/greetings-bd2a1955434e


Dock is a platform that uses blockchain technology to create a secure ecosystem for the exchange of credentials. The project provides companies and developers with the ability to create, manage and submit digital credentials that are verified using blockchain. The project is working to solve problems such as data storage, unreliable or inaccurate information, incompatibility between platforms, inefficiency of data verification, lack of control and confidentiality.

Website: https://www.dock.io/

Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.io/document/188/dock-whitepaper

Introductory article: soon

How to stake: soon


Avalanche is a platform for smart contracts. The uniqueness of the project is in the use of three separate blockchains. With their help, Avalanche implements its own consensus protocol, which has some of the features of classical consensuses (PoW and PoS), but also some unique ones. Avalanche uses subnets to perform transactions quickly. Subnets also allow projects to connect to Avalanche without taking up any space.

Website: https://www.avax.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/avalanche-7f5e07061501

How to stake: soon


Umee is a decentralized infrastructure for cross-chain interactions between networks. Umee enables users to borrow or place assets as collateral on one blockchain in order to borrow assets on another blockchain. Umee is based on the Cosmos SDK, Starport Network, Tendermint consensus, and uses Gravity Bridge.

Website: https://www.umee.cc/

Whitepaper: https://www.umee.cc/umee-whitepaper.pdf

Introductory article: https://medium.com/stake-service/umee-%CB%88umi-is-the-word-for-ocean-defi-is-for-everyone-umee-is-you-and-me-e1deff111389

How to stake: https://medium.com/stake-service/how-to-stake-umee-tokens-53521e424242

Stake Service is a validator for top projects since 2020. Our portfolio includes Celo, Solana, The Graph, Avalanche, Agoric, Umee, Regen and more. Our nodes are launched in 6 countries of the world, our team maintains their work 24 hours a day 7 days a week, working for the benefit of decentralization.



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Elina Cheese
Stake Service

Writer and content creator passioned about crypto, Web3 and healthy lifestyle. Only things that matters IMO.