Starseeds Feeling Misfit and Abandoned So Misunderstand Themselves

Your linear mind can’t possibly fathom your higher commissioned life.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life


Starseeds almost always feel like misfits and often outright abandoned. If you feel abandoned it’s only because you haven’t created a robust psycho-mystical life for yourself. And if you feel a misfit, it’s only because you don’t yet fully understand your place in this world as Starseed.

A woman in radiant white by her command pulls a train down the railroad track.
Image generated at Midjourney by the author

You can feel abandoned if you don’t have higher understandings and connections with your Divine origins.

A lot of Starseeds feel left here without an instruction manual. I used to feel that way as I groped in the dark simply trying to get through life.

But all Starseeds, in fact everyone, has indeed been given an instruction manual. It’s right within you, in your soul, your Oversoul, your Spirit and the cellular memory in your DNA.

But you must cultivate your spirituality so these memories bubble to the surface to assist you.

Your full Starseed realization as Master isn’t going to just happen to you. You must play an active role in your journey.

