What Is A Starseed?

We are humble servants in the Light.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life
7 min readMar 28, 2024


In this moment we Starseeds also live in advanced future home worlds. We’ve sent ourselves back in time to Earth in holographic bodies. The graduation of the human race into the higher worlds is a big event to come and we’re here for it.

A future Pleiadian Goddess and her 7 foot tall canine
Image generated at Midjourney by the author

We live and serve in these human bodies because this mission needs to be an inside job. If we were to simply orchestrate Earth’s ascension purely from a future vantage point, Earth’s ascension will not have been earned.

It can get boring when someone continually showers you with gifts and you’re not giving back. Eventually, you want to feel like you’ve merited those gifts. You want to find a way to give back.

And that’s a principal reason why we’ve descended several dimensions (or planes) to 3D Earth. God the Infinite so lavishly showers grace on us seventh plane Elohim¹ and we wanted to merit it through service.

Moreover, we love our children as all parents do. In a sense, Earth’s people are our children.

Starseeds have taken a risk.

We knew this mission would come at a risk and a price. It could happen we might not ever remember ourselves once we got here. With all of Earth’s distractions and seductions, we could end up doomed to aimlessly wander the planet.

But we jumped in anyway. When you’re seventh plane Elohim, you know you are. And we came in with that confidence.

Part of coming back into human incarnations means our memories and codes have been obscured within us. But in our earliest days on Earth as infants or toddlers we did still remember. It’s just that most of our parents had no idea who we were. So they often shunned instead of nurture our memories.

If you’re a parent of a newborn or toddler, don’t discount a single thing he or she says. Don’t be responsible for muddying the memory of your Starseed child. Create a safe ambiance for your children to share what they remember about who they are.

Then slowly but surely during our childhoods we all forget just about everything about our origins. The conditioning here on Earth limits our minds and possibilities.

An enormous part of the program here is disempowerment. We must accept and work within that framework while we operate from the inside to transform it.

On some level, all the while many of us do remember. We might not have crystal clear memories. But we’ll often have certain propensities and attractions that unbeknownst to us align with our Starseed nature.

As children, we were all visited by our people from the other side of the sun. These benevolent extraterrestrial beings came from our own future home worlds. And during those visits they embedded codes within us to help us remember our stations and who we are later on in adulthood.

But as life on Earth will have it, we get hurt along the way. And we begin collecting baggage to carry in the form of hurts and traumas.

As we recognize this we’re keen to cleanse, clear and integrate past traumas.

This is what Pleaidian Starseed Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus) meant when he said in Mark 10:25:

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.

People rich in hurts and traumas are so weighed down and laden with damaging baggage they can’t create their own serene Kingdom of God. They’re too distracted by their dramas and wounds to be free. They’re absorbed with themselves to a fault and not in the healing way. And so they have no peace — no Kingdom of God to enjoy.

Starseeds work their way to this Kingdom of God state of being. They carry the Kingdom of God with them wherever they are. This is also called Christ Consciousness.

You can’t call yourself a Starseed if you don’t really and truly live the life.

If you have a feeling you’re a Starseed, you are. Your knowing may not yet be full blown.

This knowing might range from a totally conscious memory, which is rare, to an inner urging to learn what it means to be Starseed.

This awakening and then unfoldment doesn’t usually happen overnight. But with spiritual practice, by integrating traumas, and becoming, the Starseed begins to awaken.

You become an activated Starseed and then you have a responsibility. This responsibility is not just to yourself but to the world you came to serve.

You have to do the work so you can remove the veil that shrouds who you are. But when you finally do begin to remove that veil, the air you get to breathe is fresh, clean and exhilarating. And you have chosen it.

Your DNA structure begins to re-form itself. It begins to rearrange itself to its original state and so does your brain.

All of your spiritual work and practice enormously uplifts your psychological, emotional and physical bodies. Yet you will still also experience challenges just like any other person. The difference is now you’re equipped to respond to your challenges more resiliently.

With devotion and spiritual practice, you’re being reborn into the true life and the true you. Eventually, you find life gets easier for you.

It’s because you’ve learned to embrace rather than resist this process of transformation and unveiling. And somewhere along the way you resolved to change the aspects of yourself that beg for that change.

This is the process of becoming not just a Starseed, but a Master Starseed.

Starseeds are like tall trees. And the tallest trees catch the most wind.

All your lifetimes — and this is the last Equinox lifetime here on 3D Earth — depict the journey of the seed that sprouts and grows into a full fledged majestic tree.

You’re strong beyond what you may know yourself to be. And you’re unique, standing far tall above the others.

You might face some scrutiny or criticism from your family or acquaintances. And it’s very possible you might encounter certain frustrating challenges in life that others don’t. But you learn to be the Divine Master in every situation.

Stellar stock you are.

You may be from Pleaides, Orion, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda or beyond. You bear an ancestral heritage that quite literally comes from the stars.

But don’t get all hung up on where you came from. That can be a distraction. It’s a superficial pursuit.

Besides, you know in the belly of your soul where you come from. No one has to tell you so don’t ask them.

When you look up at the stars at night, keep in mind you’re only seeing them in this Now, in the frequency we’re experiencing now. But also know that when you look at those same stars tonight, they also exist in the future. There is no such thing as linear time.

The fact that we’ve come back from the future means we’ve already succeeded in our mission here in this timeline. Think about it.

Starseeds come from outrageously beautiful home worlds.

We all have families in our future home worlds often complete with many children. The more you open yourself to your Starseed Isness, the more you’ll see them in your dreams or conscious time travels.

Our homes are often made of crystal situated among flora that’s naturally watered from the ground up. The mountains are like spires dense with brilliant emerald foliage reminiscent of elven worlds. The snow is bright white crystalline and not cold. The colors and sounds of music are beyond what our limited minds can conceive of here. Our devoted and magical canines are seven feet tall.

With a thought we transport ourselves anywhere we wish to go, but there’s always a time and place for our crafts. Some of us travel on great mother ships and visit the room of the great Looking Glass. It’s one way we use to look into the future. And it’s not uncommon to encounter Archangels Metatron and Melchizedek on the ships.

We live in a future multi-cultural universe somewhat similar to what we’ve all seen in Star Trek. We intermingle with each other and peace we always promote.

We are completely supported by our brothers and sisters on the other side of the sun.

In this very moment, your simultaneous future self on the seventh plane looks in on you. Our very own selves along with all our other galactic companions are devoted to our success.

It’s why extraterrestrial ships hover over and visit Earth. They’re always very nearby.

As for those who remain on our future starry homes, there’s no such thing as distance for them. Our people are supra-natural (and so are we, we just haven’t exercised our powers yet). They connect with us in a fraction of the blink of an eye.

Our starry families support, guide and direct us whenever they can without interfering unduly. We are never ever alone. They’re invested in our success.

And we want to return home victorious. Then we can go on to create new worlds with our galactic cohorts.

Starseeds on Earth have made a promise and hold a birthright.

Our promise is to perform our stations here on Earth to the very best of our ability. And it’s also to fulfill on our birthright.

What is our birthright? It’s manifold and one. We are here to realize these things:

These qualities already live within every Starseed. We simply have to let them out of the cage we keep them in.

No one back home is expecting us to be perfect. In fact, if we were, there’d be no reason for us to be here. We wouldn’t be doing what we came here to do.

It’s by transforming our character and advancing toward Mastery that we serve Earth and her people. We increase the Light on Earth and ripple Light outward with each transformation we make within ourselves.

The entire human race is affected and touched by this Light. It evolves the planet.

A Starseed is a servant in the Light. It’s not the glamorous idea some people have. It’s the humble version of entities who follow their crystal hearts, blanket the planet with Love and give totally of themselves.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Elohim is the Hebrew plural meaning Gods or deities. Elohim are known as Creator Gods.

