Prepare Yourself, Starseed. Make Your Passage from the Spiritual to the Mystical.

Purusha Radha
8 min readJan 11, 2024


We’re nearly at the end of this 26,000 year cycle¹ — the end of an Age. It’s been a cipher of intensive learning we’ve been traveling all this time. Burning through, accepting, and embracing all our experiences is what we’ve done.

We began at Alpha, will soon arrive at the end of the cipher — the Omega — and then find ourselves at a completely new Alpha.

The new Alpha is far beyond anything we’ve experienced here in 3D. To go there we’ll have to let go of our psycho-logical minds.

Rear view of a long haired woman face a mystical constellation of light against the night sky.

The psycho-logical mind is the mind that demands explanation, logic, evidence and rationality. It voraciously looks for logic in everything as it quests to nail down reality. Always seeking to establish a base level barometer of reality, the psycho-logical mind dissects all in its path.

But is what the logical mind determines as reality truly that? Or could there be more behind the veil? There is more, but it takes another kind of mind to see it.

The new Alpha is multidimensional and beyond even our imagination. It requires a psycho-mystical mind.

Why then would we take a psycho-logical mind so well adapted to limited thinking to such an unlimited place? The two don’t match up.

The new Alpha state of consciousness requires a liberated, unlimited psycho-mystical kind of mind.

We’ll need to move from one kind of mind to the other.

• Let go of the psycho-logical linear limited mind that operates only on the surface.

• Embrace the psycho-mystical mind that unveils profound revelatory thought.

There is spiritual and then there’s mystical. The mystical is beyond the spiritual.

The spiritual self is still very much left-brained and utilizes the intellect a great deal. In the spiritual we still suffer.

The mystical self is right-brained. It comes so much more from the heart and the Compassionate Self. In the mystical, we liberate ourselves from suffering.

Mystical doesn’t mean dark and witchy. The word and concept have been colored to mean the opposite of their truth.

Of course, religions don’t want you in the mystical because that’s where the power is. So they keep you from going near mysticism claiming it’s dark, occult, and evil. They have to keep you disempowered otherwise you won’t need them.

Many would describe mystical as a mystery to be solved. But the act of solving is very much the analytical logical mind at work. It wants to be solving for problems all the time.

Mystical simply means mysterious, without limits and unexplainable by the frontal lobe analytical brain.

Even more, the word mystical means…

Insight is received through unfolding revelation.

Revelation cannot be dissected. It isn’t solved for. It’s received. And it’s an entirely different electrical frequency that’s stimulated in the brain.

You don’t search for the meaning of a mystical event or text.

It comes to you as long as you put yourself in the receiving mode.

With a psycho-mystical mind the electrical frequency of your brain and its neurotransmitters (essentially, thought) are elevated. And with this, you’ll become intimate with all kinds of spiritual mystery.

You’ll never reduce your understanding to the ordinary with mere words.

You’ll perceive and feel multidimensional layers of truth because you’ve allowed your mind to achieve its greatest potential.

There will never be the cold hard tangible evidence that 3D Earth demands. But there will be great splashes of extraordinary revelation and affirmation of your Divinity.

Like Holy Grails, highly encoded sacred texts serve as pathways, virtual Stargates, revealing high truths to you. As you comprehend what you read on a whole other level, in fact, on many levels, new neurotransmitters (electrical discharges) fire in the brain.

It’s a whole new electrical frequency permeating your brain. Now you’re utilizing your brain as a tool.

When you venture beyond the boundaries of the logical mind, your mind begins transforming to psycho-mystical unlimited mind.

• Understand that the neurotransmitters your brain fires will always match with the vibratory frequency of your thoughts.

• Know you have the ability to control your thoughts, patterns, and the electrical stimulation you send throughout your body.

• See how your thoughts produce electrical stimulation and hormones that affirm either life or death.

Now you’ve realized your brain as electrical tool that you must reverence and use in a most high way.

• In the psycho-logical mind, the brain fires neurotransmitters at a lower mathematical pitch.

• In the psycho-mystical mind, the brain fires completely opposite higher frequency neurotransmitters. Now you truly perceive reality and it wasn’t what you thought it was before.

When you read a sacred text, for example, with your psycho-mystical mind, your brain follows your mysticism. Then pathways or Stargates open to you giving you a telepathic visceral understanding of the text.

An example of a heavily encoded sacred text is John of the Cross’ poem, Dark Night.

The Carmelite monk John of the Cross is one of the greatest mystics who has ever lived. He’s been called Alchemist of the Soul.

O night! O guide!

O night more loving than the dawn!

O night that joined

Lover with beloved

Beloved in the lover transformed!

It seems simple and straightforward, doesn’t it?

But read Dark Night with your psycho-mystical mind and you’ll discover the poem isn’t about two romantic lovers. That what a surface reader would get.

Rather, it’s about an intimate encounter with God the Infinite.

That’s one level.

The poem is about even more than that. Develop your psycho-mystical to receive its deeper revelations.

Your mystical self understands the sacred geometries, sound and vibratory frequencies embedded in the text.

At the risk of sounding simplistic, only the mystical mind can understand what is mystical. You, the mystic utilizing the tool of your brain, reveal the truth to yourself.

The holiest of holy texts are intended for the mystical mind whose neurotransmitters can process high frequency electrical discharge and the encodements embedded in the text.

Encodements in this text, reveal your Truth unto me!

Many sacred texts are encoded to protect the psycho-logical and reveal to the psycho-mystical.

The mind that remains in the consciousness of logic and need for scientific proof will not receive the revelation of mystical multidimensional truth.

The encoded text will protect that person from its mind-blowing truth.

Such a mind fires neurotransmitters that align only with limited logic of the 3D world.

Try as the psycho-logical persons will, they’ll dissect it and come up with nothing. The mathematical codes are protective ingredients.

Encoding text is a protective device used by the cosmic Higher Evolution to protect certain people from harming themselves with the powers embedded in the holy words.

But the words open like flower blossoms revealing their messages to the mystic.

What are encodements in sacred texts?

Encodements are mysticisms in themselves. You discover and are increased by them in the formation and placement of words and sentences.

For example, mathematical frequency may be placed in the space after every five letters, every five words, or every five paragraphs. These placements create shifts and a math that speaks right to the psycho-mystical mind.

There’s a space — a quiet space that exists between the groupings of those five letters, words or paragraphs. It’s very much like the space of silence that comes after you think a desire and before you feel an emotion as a result of that thought.

In an intimate conversation, a Great Master once explained to me:

The quiet can be so loud….. so filled….. so abundant….. so pregnant….. one simply has to slow down enough to be with it because in the quiet…. IT exists.

What you’ve just read is mystically encoded for you—in the spaces in-between.

Even a logical mind who wants to know God on the deepest levels can experience the space in-between.

• First the mind desires to contemplate God.

• There is a moment of silence just before neurotransmitters begin sending the word God into thought.

• That moment of silence is the mystical space in-between and the budding of a mystical mind.

This quiet space in-between is the mystical. And it acts like a trigger revealing to you what had once been Unknown.

When Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus) spoke in the Gospel of Thomas, he spoke many powerful messages. But more even this, he grouped sentences and messages to create a psycho-mystical mathematical effect. This is what the Pleiadian Masters tell us.

How do you have a psycho-mystical mind? How do you create Mystical Prosperity for yourself?

Begin by commanding your mystical mind to come forth. Then concentrate on that mystical mind coming forth.

Keep your auric field clear so that you can perceive the mystical clearly.

The right neurotransmitters will organically engage in your brain. You’ll begin to feel truth in what was veiled to you before. And your ability to feel and perceive mystical truth and reality will deepen over time.

We all have and require logical minds. The logical mind is very necessary in many ways.

But the logical impedes us a great deal. It keeps us entangled on a spiritual journey and away from the clear mystical pathway.

It’s good to know that despite the logical mind, there’s a mystical self within us waiting to be called forth.

The ineffable mystical space in-between is God the Infinite Itself, often called the Void.

A common thread runs through all encoded Holy Grails. And that message is very loud in the quiet spaces in-between and not so much in the words.

It’s where you find truth and the silent It — the Creative God Force. And feeling the It with your psycho-mystical mind is how you come to know yourself.

The more mysticism you have, the greater the All of You—your simultaneous future selves—are available to you. This is because now you can finally hear them.

The moments leading up to the new Alpha require a mystical mind.

We are all part of a cosmic chain and you are a cosmic link to every other being on the planet. When you allow yourself to transition from spiritual person to mystic, you open windows for all other souls on Earth.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ The precession of the equinoxes is the 26,000 year cycle or rotation of the zodiac constellations caused by the wobble of the planet on its axis; this wobble causes the zodiacal constellations appear to move across the heavens in a 26,000 year cycle. Precessions of the equinoxes are great cycles of time. In the current precession in which we exist, known as the Great Year, all cycles of nature keep moving, changing and expanding. Each precession is divided into 12 eras.

According to Apple, Inc.’s Dictionary: As the earth rotates about its axis it responds to the gravitational attraction of the sun upon its equatorial bulge, so that its axis of rotation describes a circle in the sky, with a period of about 26,000 years. The precession of the equinoxes was discovered by Hipparchus in c. 125 bc, when the vernal equinox was in Aries.

² Cipher is the arithmetical symbol for zero; like a circle, the cipher stands for the continuous exchange and movement from Alpha to Omega and to a new Alpha.

