Archive of stories published by Startupchallenges

9 free Meetup Spaces in Berlin

Berlin is the city of meetup and startup events. In January, I summarized some calendars and newsletters you have to keep in mind to promote your event. But how to find the right location if you get started and just set-up a new event series? Here a few spaces that offer…

Slush or Web Summit?

Black or white? Cold or rainy? Big or bigger? There are many ways you could compare Slush and Web Summit. But honestly, as a person that attended both amazing events as a representative of EIT ICT Labs and TalkItt I have to say: It is comparing apples and oranges. While Web Summit scored…

Never Eat Alone — Day 1 of my experiment

On a recent networking event a speaker recommended a book I never heard about: Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi. The concept sounded great, the afford feasible, the expected outcome amazing. I went online immediately and ordered the book on Amazon — of…

These were the top 10 stories published by Startupchallenges; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

… a blog providing advice for early-stage #startups, telling startup stories from European #entrepreneurs and smart minds. Powered by Maren Lesche, storyteller & Startup Specialist from Berlin.
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