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How To Relentlessly Uncover New Value

Written by Denny Brandt // Also shared on Startups.co.

Quick. Grab a stack of sticky notes and come with me. We’re going to help you uncover new value hidden in your next initiative.

Why your company needs an Artist-in-Residence

Facebook, Adobe, Autodesk and Planet Labs all have started creative residency…

3 Things You Need To Design A Creative Life That You Can Be Proud Of

Also shared on Startups.co.

“For what it’s worth … it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can…

You Don’t Have to be Trendy to be Successful

The first thing you notice when you arrive at Aeclectic Tarot, the internet’s largest resource for tarot cards and the people who love them, is that it feels like a step back in time. A time when the internet was still small; when personal pages would…

Teaching Products to Respect Evolution.

Also shared on Startups.co.

I have a client that onboards about 100,000 really dumb users every month — the kind of people that don’t know where the home button is on their phone. It presents some pretty crazy challenges.

Dealing with a Problem Client as a Business Owner

Also shared on Startups.co

If you’ve been freelancing for a while, you have most likely come across a problem client or two. If not, expect one to rear its ugly head at some point in the future.

The R&D technique for startups: Rip off & Duplicate

By Stuart Brent for Startups.co.

You don’t have to have an original idea for a startup. Original ideas are difficult. And unproven. What if you find a business model that you like, and improve upon it?