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Smarter way for businesses to help people understand any software instantly

Userlane automates and optimizes user onboarding and employee training. Users are guided in real time through the actual software application with interactive step-by-step, onscreen guides. As a…

The Dirty Dozen: 12 KPIs You Must Know Before Pitching Your Startup

Written by Phil Nadel // Also shared on Startups.co.

It is critically important for the founders of a company to intimately understand the company’s Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”)…

Drop Your Free Tier

Also shared on Startups.co.

If you’re bootstrapping your SaaS, you should drop your free tier.

By doing so, I was able to double the revenue growth rate of my Slack app Smooz, while reducing the amount of work required to maintain my app and…

Financial Modeling For Startups: The Spreadsheet That Made Us Profitable

Also shared on Startups.co.

If there is one quintessential task a startup CEO needs to be in charge of is not letting the company running out of money. Being on top of your…

Our startup is now profitable: How to get cash flow positive at seed stage

Previously shared on the Startups.co blog.

May 2016 was the first time since we started Slidebean that we are going to have a profitable operation. We currently host a team of…