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Women’s Business Magazines Don’t Contribute Anything

Written by Kayla Medica // Also shared on Startups.co.

When I first left my full time job to try my hand at being an entrepreneur, I thought it would be helpful to join a women’s business networking group. The…

The Power of Three

Also shared on Startups.co.

Like any “get‘er done” entrepreneur, I was once a pro at going solo. Whatever needed to be done I did it, and then I did everything else, too. Need a great idea? Just give me one minute. Need a genius marketing plan? No problem, I’m on it…

10 Years Later: E-Commerce is (Back!) in Fashion

By Sarah Lacy on Startups.co

Ten years ago, Andy Dunn was at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. He was torn between taking a high paying job and following the lead of Brian Spaly — a classmate who was selling…