A matter of Quality
I spent three days discussing quality in Early Childhood Care and Education in Goteborg, at different levels and with different…
The impact of James Heckman on Early Childhood policies has been terrific, and probably more have to come.
From the IBE-UNESCO web site:
The OMEP international conference is finished since a few days, and it happens tome to read again about Albania…
Few days ago, the so-called scandal of european NGOs having contacts with human smugglers in the sicily channel, erupted in the italian media. The issue is the rescue of migrants’ ships, and the management of this population inside italian institutions.
An enormous amount of time and work has been devoted to the creation of the service for children aged 5 to 6, that should offer the children of Swaziland (now eSwatini) tha opportunity of one year of…
The research project Shaking the Habitual has come to its end, with the last study visit in Iceland. It is a research and exchange project…
Most important is to understand you can always make mistakes but often it…
In each of us there is another whom we do not know. (Carl Gustav Jung)