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Stelace API
API-first: building a real-time Web platform from scratch in one week
API-first: building a real-time Web platform from scratch in one week
Building a Web platform or an online marketplace is a daunting task. Please believe me, I tried hard.
Andy Bruère
Jul 8, 2019
7 points à retenir sur les lois autour de l’économie collaborative
7 points à retenir sur les lois autour de l’économie collaborative
Vous gérez une plateforme numérique ? Que ce soit une plateforme d’économie collaborative, une marketplace en ligne (ou place de marché)…
Marie-Gabrielle Gonzalez
Oct 16, 2017
Building a marketplace is hard, see how we tried : The audience
Building a marketplace is hard, see how we tried : The audience
Do you know how much time it takes to launch a business? We spent something like a year to create an audience before launching our now two…
Marie-Gabrielle Gonzalez
Oct 5, 2017
Building your marketplace is hard, see how we tried: The idea
Building your marketplace is hard, see how we tried: The idea
Stelace rose from the ashes of Sharinplace in 2018. In 2019, after almost two years spent rebuilding and testing our new platform runner…
Marie-Gabrielle Gonzalez
Mar 28, 2017
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