She Cradled the Smoking Gun: Ch 6

The house looked tranquil but Stone discovered a source of pain

Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories


Photo by Mark: Pexels

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Research showed that getting shot dead in the Kaye home wasn’t an easy task.

Wire fences encased with thick shrubs and pine trees sealed off the perimeter. Getting through would have meant cutting holes or sawing off limbs but a detailed inspection of the grounds showed that all was intact. Stone ruled out someone sneaking through the fencing.

The property had a few liquid amber trees that were tall with leafy branches and they were farther back from the fencing. Birch trees with their distinctive white bark grew in clumps of three. Lisa Kaye’s rose garden with a few dozen varieties of roses was in a healthy bloom and wasn’t disturbed.

Was the shooting meant for both husband and wife?

Stone was inspecting the premises while Lisa stayed in the kitchen and tried to act like she was busy.

Inside, on the second floor, hung a portrait of a smiling Paul and Lisa Kaye with their daughter during her high school graduation. How badly do photographs lie?

Other photos showed them outdoors hiking and building a sandcastle at the…



Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.