She Cradled the Smoking Gun: Ch 7

Did mixed drinks in Santa Barbara mix with Lisa?

Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories


Mixed drinks on black background
Photo by Prem Pal Singh Tanwar: Pexels

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Stone called Lisa’s friend in Santa Barbara who confirmed that she had spent the night, as she often did, and said he’d be welcome to visit. He drove up the coast, heading on the 101 North out of the San Fernando Valley to Ventura and past the expansive views of the Pacific.

Glancing over the ocean gave him space to wonder about something that had been on his mind. Why did people kill their spouses and risk being locked in prison for decades instead of divorcing them, especially if they were wealthy? A woman like Lisa Kaye could hire a lawyer to negotiate a settlement that would allow her to live a comfortable life.

Santa Barbara had a Mediterranean climate with palm trees and plenty of broad leafy plants mixed in with the California scrub oak. The home of Selena Thompson was a one-story ranch that Stone figured was worth at least four or five million in the neighborhood.

Money poured in from producing a hit TV series and alimony from her ex — an executive producer on several films for Sony and other studios that crushed expectations and were wildly profitable.



Don Simkovich, MA
Stone Cold Crime Stories

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.