Top Stories published by Storytelling for Brands in 2014

Interactive Visual Storylines 101

After exploring the power of visual in brand storytelling, it’s time to show its practical application for your brand’s narrative.

Do you know anything about interactive visual storylines? Here at Edgar we fancy them a lot, and that’s why our…

Storytelling: The Ancient Memory Mechanism that Helps Brands Thrive

It turns out, it’s all about having a good story these days. Whether it’s a hookup or a job interview, your personal narrative is essential to the way people will perceive you. The same goes for brands, and as we…

These were the top 10 stories published by Storytelling for Brands in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Storytelling for Brands
A good story beats even the biggest of marketing budgets. Instead of spending big on advertising, brands should enchant their peers with great content. Let’s share some good practice, hints and insights on storytelling for brands with the focus on micro-stories. 
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