StreetLib BootCamp: Hyderabad!

AC de Fombelle
2 min readMar 3, 2018


While the context is quite different from that of our Spanish area managers, our newly formed Indian team were also keen to learn all the ins and outs of our tools and brand philosophy. On top of that, my presence would give them the opportunity to get the answers to all the questions they will be asked when spreading the word of StreetLib in India. I therefore have the pleasure of visiting them for a week, in the bustling city of Hyderabad, to provide a full StreetLib BootCamp!

Why is the context different? Well, StreetLib India’s team comes from PubGen, a company that has been around for 2 decades and knows the publishing market and digital publishing like the back of its hand. On top of that, Pratap Chowdary, PubGen and StreetLib India’s CEO, has known StreetLib longer than me, so they already have a pretty good idea of what we do. Finally, of course, the market is very different in itself. You’ll soon get the opportunity to discover their take of the market in their blog and social media, I’ll be sure to share that with you!

Here I am in the Hyderabad offices with both Prudhvis and Arjun

As you can read about in more detail in the StreetLib India announcement, StreetLib India will be a great opportunity for authors in India to export their books all over the world, thanks to unprecedented access to international publishing in up to 12 languages. But that’s only a first step, since we are actively working to find new partners both in the print and ebook departments, with a view to expanding our reach in this market. All our StreetLibers will have the chance to extend their readership in the region, which is huge given the size of the population and the diversity of the culture!

