Taking Good Supplements — My “Better Aging” Journey (Part 4)

Learn how good supplements are vital to aging well

Stronger Down the Stretch
5 min readJun 16, 2023


purple lily
Photo by Ivan Jevtic on Unsplash

Hi! If you’re like me, you’ve hit midlife and learned that you must eat and drink healthy, exercise, and cook with nutritious ingredients, and you thought that was enough. However, there’s a bit more to aging well. I want to discuss another area of my better aging journey with you — supplements.

How to Age Better with Good Supplements

Of course, the best way to give our bodies the nutrients they need is to eat healthy, fresh, organic foods, so I try to get my vitamins and minerals this natural way, as much as possible. I’m no saint in the eating department, and eating all organic is expensive, but I enjoy becoming more conscientious of healthy eating as much as possible. Consuming more “fresh” ingredients is a great first step to proper nutrition, but staying away from processed, boxed, and fast foods and chemically made oils will help tremendously, too.

Filling in my nutritional gaps by taking the right supplements is an additional way to be sure I’m getting what my body needs. Some supplements are okay to purchase at supermarkets; most won’t be, though; we just need to educate ourselves a little to know. I think it’s totally worth the effort.

Researching Good Supplements is Essential

Consumer Labs is a good resource for research on certain brands’ ingredients; this information will help you when you check the ingredients of the vitamins on the shelves before you buy. Although Consumer Labs doesn’t test every product on the market, they test a sampling of products to see if their labels match their actual ingredients. They have found many supplements have too little (less than labeled) or too much (some with toxic levels), and even heavy metals in others.

Toxicity poses a significant health concern, and individuals who diligently consume vitamins often remain unaware of the potential risks associated with their intake. One example is fish oil. Although expensive and generally known as a healthy supplement for Omega3, some fish oils are not good for you due to toxicity levels and harmful PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats).

Be careful of vague advertising claims like “Natural,” “Healthy,” “Doctor Recommended,” etc., as there could still be tons of harmful chemicals in there. Reading the ingredients list will show you enough of what you need to know, at least initially, before buying a supplement.

Pay Attention to a Supplement’s Ingredient List

A supplement’s Ingredient list will tell you what kind of ingredient it actually is, which is critical to know in some cases. For instance: Vitamin C from Ascorbic Acid (Ascorbic Acid is a no-no, by the way). Once you learn a few of these basics, it is much easier to make an informed decision.

The Ingredients list should also show “Other” ingredients (at the bottom of the list). You don’t want any unnecessary ingredients or chemicals, so you need to know some things to look for. Just a few examples of ingredients to avoid are talc, colors like blue dyes, sulfates, magnesium stearates, and so much more. The Capsule or Shell ingredients are listed here too. This seems like a lot, but I will definitely add more specific details to help you in an upcoming article.

Basically, I make every effort to purchase high-quality vitamins and supplements that are well sourced from healthy soil, processed properly to heat or cold as needed, with a variety of organic whole foods when possible, without harmful chemicals or additives. Of course, I am always looking for the best price, too. It’s a difficult task, for sure!

There is plenty to investigate because new formulation techniques and studies are being published frequently. It is worth the effort to ensure I’m ingesting good ingredients.

The Sun is a Natural Supplement

Another way I supplement “better” is to sit in the sunshine intentionally several days a week. I’ve learned that we need to expose our skin to midday sun when possible for “optimal” absorption. Sunlight increases Vitamin D production. Melanin, the darker coloring in the skin, has many powerful benefits, including:

  • acts as a powerful antioxidant
  • has an anti-ulcer effect
  • is anti-inflammatory
  • protects the liver
  • is anti-diabetic and hypoglycemic
  • helps with healthy circadian rhythms
  • burns fat, protects from UV rays (acting like a mirror to reflect the harmful rays)
  • improves gut health and stimulates our immunity.

That’s an impressive list!

There are many informative materials to read or videos to watch teaching about the importance of Vitamin D from sun exposure. I recommend you research and use your discretion about this matter. Dr. Joseph Mercola www.mercola.com is a great resource, as well as Dr. Janine Bowring, ND, a Naturopath I discovered on YouTube www.vitatree.com.

And I know you know this, but it’s worth repeating… the best person to look out for “you” is… “you” (and the Lord, of course). So, I don’t overly rely on some of the generic government recommendations but instead sometimes follow the advice of professionals I have determined are both trustworthy and experts in their fields; I use more than one source, also.

Closing Thoughts on Taking Good Supplements

On my journey for better aging, I’ve learned that a healthy diet isn’t enough. You’ll have nutritional gaps to fill with good supplements. It’s crucial to research brands and ingredients, as some supplements may contain toxins or inadequate amounts of nutrients. Reading the ingredients list and avoiding unnecessary additives is critical. Choose high-quality supplements sourced from healthy soil and processed without harmful chemicals. It’s a challenging task but worth the effort.

Additionally, seek advice from trustworthy professionals and use multiple sources. And get some sun! Careful sun exposure benefits Vitamin D production and provides the advantages of melanin. Remember, you are your best advocate for wellness, with guidance from reliable experts and your own judgment.

Let’s age better!

Next up — the importance of maintaining good gut health.

Disclaimer: The information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

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Stronger Down the Stretch

Devoted Jesus lover, curious mind, healthy living enthusiast, veteran homeschool mom of three. Married to Medium writer R. Dennis Brady