“I don’t have time to exercise” — the most common reason given for not exercising enough. If we all have 24 hours in a…
You’re not alone if negative self-talk takes over your mind at times with unwanted thoughts and images…
Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain, augment our immune response, and maintain…
The human immune system is a complex and wondrous thing; none of us would last…
The American Heart Association has classified physical inactivity as a major risk factor for cardiovascular (heart)…
The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe! All that complexity, just to keep…
Your gut health is dictated by the balance of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, and viruses — forming your gut…
Laughter is “a physical reaction characterised by a distinct, repetitive vocal sound, certain facial expressions, and…
Time and time again the adage “We are what we eat’’ is thrown around. For most, this concerns the adverse effects unhealthy…
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes pain and then progressive…
Believe it or not, simply living exposes you to harmful organisms every single day. So why don’t you fall ill at every moment? Because…
You may have heard the saying “the secret is in the spices”, but did you know that some of these secrets are health benefits? In this…
How much do you know?
Work-related stress arises when the pressures associated with your job becomes too difficult to manage…
When you think of mindfulness, what’s the first act that comes to mind? Meditating, journaling, or perhaps a yoga session? The act…
Work smarter, not harder
Using your lunch break effectively not only boosts your productivity and…
There is no denying the importance of a good night’s sleep. This not only holds true for…
In 2006, Akira Haraguchi recited 100,000 digits of pi from memory at a public event near Tokyo. It took him 16hrs…
12 steps towards taking more steps
Many people associate ‘wellness’ with physical and mental health only. But there is a lot more to it. Wellness is…
Being organised is a skill that, once mastered, can make your days less stressful and more productive. Here are three…