Bringing Asia into SunContract story: SNC listed on OKEx

Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2018

Getting access to Asia and traversing cultural gap

Today is the day Asian market opens to the SunContract. We are proud to announce that the SunContract token SNC is getting listed on the famous OKEx exchange.

A 100 different trading pairs, daily volume of 1,5 billion USD

OKEx is a world-leading digital asset exchange, providing advanced financial services to global traders by using blockchain technology. Founded in 2014, OKEx has gained millions of dollars worth of investments from Corporate Giants like VenturesLab (co-founded by Tim Draper), Ceyuan Ventures, Qianhe Capital Management, eLong Inc., Longling Capital (founded by the Chairman of Meitu) and Giant Network Group. OKEx is also one of the top digital asset exchanges in the world in trading volume, serving over 20 million customers in over 100 countries. Its BTC futures trade also has nearly $1.5B of volume daily, and is widely recognized as the gold standard for the industry.

Perhaps the most important thing for the success of SunContract in Asia — besides the fact SNC got listed on OKEx — is our agreement with them to engage in a full-fledged promotion of SNC token and SunContract in Asia via their extensive and well-established social media channels. Sincerely, it is difficult to overstate the importance of SNC making its way to the demographically largest and currently most vibrant world market with support of such a massive player as OKEx.

Being listed on one of the top five crypto exchanges, is an essential part of SunContract’s long-term business strategy. Our key team member and also one of our advisors are not only Asian themselves — their references make them perfect to handle the integration of an Asian market into the SunContract story.

In addition to their business skills, it is also their understanding of Asian culture along with an intimate knowledge of regional financial entities like OKEx, that define these SunContract team members. With OKEx, where over 50% of crypto exchange originates from Asian market, people with such skill sets are pivotal.

New challenges, new responsibilities

Asia is a priority for SunContract’s long term strategy and OKEx is just one of the endeavors we have our eye on in the region. We’ve already mentioned we had an in-depth talk with the biggest providers of mining hardware. SunContract’s biggest partner company SONCE is providing investors with a power-generating equipment and heat pump system. At this same location, cryptomining has the possibility to take place. And a vibrant Asian market with sufficient technological knowledge, as well as favorable work costs, may very well be the place where we supply the hardware from.

This great leap in terms of global magnitude of SNC also brings new responsibilities and new challenges. In spite of the internet and solid airline connections, Asia and Slovenia are still rather far apart. We need a trusted and a reliable local partner for our operations to work smoothly. Also, we need a partner who is responsive and a team player. European and Asian markets are very interconnected, but when you are breaking new ground in any field — let alone one that is as new as the joining of blockchain technology and with an idea of a P2P Energy Market — distance and a lack of well paved paths (in terms of business partners) are still a challenge.

Most of the SunContract team are Slovenes; the advisers, the managers, the analysts and the engineers. Thus, our Asian co-workers are a great help. For a company such as SunContract, traversing cultural differences can sometimes be a challenge as is getting familiar with all the paperwork and regulations surrounding the importing of equipment from Asia to EU.

With mutual benefit on both sides, we are sure we will soon be able to reap great rewards in Asia, as well as plant the seeds of P2P Energy Market in the land of the Red Dragon.

Available trading pairs on OKEx exchange are:

Also, as usual: Join our Telegram where you can talk with the team and great community. Follow us on Twitter and Medium. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new people and exchanges thanks to great community around SunContract project. Also, do not miss the unique use case of the SNC token and check the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token on HitBtc exchange. You can join us on our WeChat channel by scanning the QR code on the left with your WeChat APP on your phone.

Rok from SunContract




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.