SunContract in Davos with Slovene Prime Minister Cerar

Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2018

Back to Business

With the festive season well behind us, the SunContract team is back in full gear. The year has only recently begun, but we already have lots to be proud about!

Accompanied by the highest representatives of the Slovenian government, including Prime Minister Miro Cerar, the SunContract team recently embarked on a journey to Davos, Switzerland where we were a part of the greatest and most important Economic meeting in the world — the World Economic Forum. A lot came of this trip and we have a lot to look forward to as a Slovenian company that staunchly believes in blockchain technology.

For example, SunContract, Noordung Hub, the Slovenian Government and several Slovenian blockchain companies have agreed to collaborate on several levels with an objective of creating a friendly regulatory framework in Slovenia. Together, we strive to raise awareness and uphold Slovenia’s position regarding blockchain and crypto.

Convincing global Energy players

Two weeks ago, we were faced with the task of bringing notions of blockchain and P2P Energy market to the average Slovene. At the World Economic Forum, our task was a little different… It involved networking with speakers such as the President of the European Commission — Jean-Claude Juncker, founder of Microsoft — Bill Gates, CEO of Renault-Nissan Alliance — Carlos Ghosn… the list goes on!

Several interesting names were present in Davos.

For us, Davos was a huge opportunity to establish links to globally relevant and even dominant Energy distributors as well as global partners, closely connected to all levels of energy generation and distribution.

Given the fact that SunContract is only a few months away from full product launch and that there are a couple of things left to check off before establishing the first ever blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy market, Davos was an amazing opportunity to find visionaries who are already well established in the energy industry who could understand and believe in our vision.

Slovenia as a perfect place for disruptive blockchain technologies

We started off by having our CEO — Gregor Novak speak at the Davos panel titled “Slovenia and Blockchain for the Future”. Various speakers presented Slovenia as the crypto-friendly, top blockchain destination that it is and invited new projects and initiatives to join us here in Slovenia. Our Prime minister — Miro Cerar was not left behind. He joined a number of panels where he invited blockchain and crypto investors to Slovenia.

Slovenia is not only a leader when it comes to blockchain technology… It is also one of the countries at the forefront when it comes to concepts of A Circular Economy, a sustainable development and use of renewable resources of energy. This amicable economical, technological and social climate fits SunContract perfectly as we strive to disrupt the energy sector by mainstreaming sustainable resources and environment-friendly technologies. As we embark on tackling the final steps towards our goal of a P2P Energy market, we consider ourselves extremely lucky to have the backing of the national government and we acknowledge that not many countries and ventures are as lucky as we are in this regard.

From the left to the right: Primož Kodrež from Cofoundit, Gregor Novak, Tadej Slapnik from Slovenian Government


While the official gatherings at Davos bore many fruits, it was at the unofficial gathering that we reaped the most benefits. It was after the completion of the panels and over a few drinks and snacks that we cultivated relationships and potential partnerships. Gregor — as well as the rest of the members of our team, who we consider pivotal at every step of the SunContract story — networked with influential leaders about various technologically groundbreaking projects — including SunContract. We also met some competitors and had talks about potential cooperation.

Our undertaking of seeking out regional partners in several parts of the world was exceptionally successful. We are now well exposed to scaling opportunities for future operations after getting our foot through the door with regional companies and organizations all over the globe. At this point, we cannot disclose more as we are bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements. However, interest for our work was shown from American, as well as Swiss and African countries. Harvard and Cambridge representatives also showed genuine interest in our work.

We are where we are because of you

We are very thankful to our investors for trusting in our vision. We are also grateful to our government for providing us with an incredibly conducive environment to tackle this huge feat. As we approach the launch at the end of Q1, you can track our progress on all of our Social Media channels, especially Telegram where we can answer your questions up close and personally. We have a great community of sun lovers who choose to invest in the sun and want to use the sun. Will you join us on this journey of environmental sustainability?

Join our Telegram where you can talk with the team and community. Follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Medium. SNC token is getting fresh traction and is being recognized by new investors and exchanges. Be sure to check out the unique use case of the SNC token and also have a look at the healthy and stable growth of the SNC token.




SunContract is a pioneering energy-trading platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy marketplace based on smart contracts.