Mid July Update — App Launch — RMT Swap Halt

Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2018

Hello SureRemit Community,

Thanks for being a part of this awesome community! We greatly value your continuous support and feedback and will be sending bi-monthly updates to keep you informed on our activities and other relevant information regarding SureRemit.

App Launch

We’ve all been anticipating a launch date for the SureRemit app. Good news from our development team! The date is announced and the app launch will take place on the 30th of July 2018. By then, the SureRemit app will be available for download on iOS and Play Store. The full launch took a bit longer than we anticipated as we had to overcome some hurdles. Credit card integration is now a success and it provides an excellent gateway for users to purchase vouchers in-app. ​Read more here.


Shortly after app launch, SureRemit will announce a Reddit ‘AMA — Ask Me Anything’ session. During this session, you have the opportunity to have any of your questions answered about SureRemit. We encourage you to participate as we very much welcome new ideas and suggestions.

RMT Swap Halt

In the past few weeks​, we have been implementing various measures to halt the trading of the old RMT. This had the desired effect but unfortunately, we could not eliminate trading completely, as that is beyond our control. To phase out trading of the old RMT altogether, combined with a successful swap process so far, we decided to make the swap process only available upon request as of the 30th of July 2018.​​ More details here.

We remain glad to have you as part of our success.

Would you like to read more about SureRemit? Please visit our community-driven information source: sureremitfacts.com

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