Top Stories published by Surreal Estates in 2016

Dirge, The Endarkened [ Part VI ]

The King & The Usurper

Parts: [I] [Interlude] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]

“We need a plan, Dirge! When you left Dracospire to come here, Nergzul claimed your throne as his. And you don’t even want to take…

The Chronicles of a Wyvern [ Part II ]

Crazed Coder

Parts: [I] [II] [III]

Dirge, still new to inter-dimensional travel, seemed on edge. Ow had noticed that and initiated a conversation while we walked.

The Chronicles of a Wyvern [ Part I ]

Dirge Distraught

Parts: [I] [II] [III]

He jumped out of the hut dragging his katana behind him. “Who said that!?” he shouted. The sight of him, in this weak state of impatience and uncertainty boiled my blood…

Dirge, The Endarkened [ Part V ]

Bryxun & The Purple Crystal

Parts: [I] [Interlude] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]

Our troops jumped out of their position and rushed to the location of the golden nexus. The HIVE was incapacitated and no one…

Dirge, The Endarkened [ Part VII ]

Flip & Zaerdy

Parts: [I] [Interlude] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]

Following my lead, Raigoth slowly started increasing his altitude. We traversed the several layers of the atmosphere and soon enough had…

Bloen [ Part VII ]

Murderous Revenge

Parts: [I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII]

The space beasts kept growing in numbers — it seemed absurd to us. They weren’t putting much of a fight against the Crows at first, but there were more of them, much more. Anix…

Surreal Estates
A collection from the surreal of a noisy mind
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