Dirge, The Endarkened [ Part VIII ]

Jad Jabbour
Surreal Estates
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2017

The Black Nexus of Mount Darke

Parts: [I] [Interlude] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]

We hid in the mountain range overlooking Dracospire; running surveillance for weeks. Every night, one of our wyvern spies would return with new information. We mostly tracked Nergzul’s security platoon and their behavior. If I were to take back Dracospire, my plan would have to be flawless.

But, helpless to some thoughts, I battled the urge to give up on Dracospire. A twiddling feeling in my guts, nauseating and disturbing, warded me off. A sensation on the verge of manifesting itself into a voice in my head, begging me to give it up. I questioned my own motives while memories of my days as a wyvern struck back. Fearing that Raigoth would take one look at me and see that I was troubled, I left the group and retreated to seclusion in one of the many caves on the side of Mount Darke.

In a dimly lit corner of that cave I sat, pondering. This sense of doubt in me isn’t unfamiliar. I’ve felt it before; the feeling, bootstrapped by the scent of moist in that cave, itself dragged behind it the memories.

“Dirge, you mustn’t exhaust your energy battling matters that are out of your control. Wasting your energy on the inevitable leaves you dry for when you need that energy the most — when something you can actually control comes along. The key is patience. Not many can handle being around the Black Nexus, and you’ve spent five weeks here so far…”

That feeling had fully manifested as a voice in my head. The voice of my previous patron; The Tan Dragon. With it — surprised at myself for missing it — came the realization that all this self-doubt is the influence of the Black Nexus sitting at the heart of Mount Darke. A crystal so arcane and powerful that even dragons fear it. Dragons, who have been known for either consuming or keeping crystals for themselves, would barely last a few minutes in the presence of this great artifact. It’s influence on the minds of the living was massive, but to wield it would mean great power. To consume it would require a Dragon like no other before.

In the past many dragons had attempted to consume that nexus but, alas, they would only bathe in it’s glory for a couple of minutes and would then eliminate themselves. Dragons committing suicide. Dragons that saw themselves as gods of dragons lost the urge to live, they fell victim to the absurd clarity the nexus provided and offed themselves with a smile on their faces only to be transformed into the crystal again. The dragons did not consume this crystal, it consumed them.

If I were to flawlessly take back Dracospire, I needed to consume — and sustain — that crystal. Self-doubt came rushing in again; this time it was directed towards my ability to consume that crystal. What if I could not do it, I thought to myself. All the things that I still needed to do — including going back in time to kill the Golden Dragon, and be killed by my past self. If I do not complete that cycle space-time will rupture and there will be no telling what might happen. I thought about it for a moment, would Seriph allow it? would Xzain allow it? Is it their plan, is that what they want? In that frenzy of questions, clarity again crept slyly. This was the influence of the Black Nexus. I abandoned my sentiments and searched for a logical path. If the black nexus was to distill thoughts of suicide in my head —All I had to do was control the time of occurrence. I already intend on dying at the hands of my past self.

An invigorating resolve took over me; It flushed away the clutter of doubt blocking my reasoning and gave me purpose. I wasn’t afraid, I’ve already faced that crystal before. I’ve already dealt with it’s powers, It already marked my skin black as void. I understood it as it understood me. As I gained my motivation again, his voice came back — the Tan Dragon.

“It is my destiny, Dirge, you will not rob me of it.”

‘I WILL NOT FUCKING KILL YOU! This is madness.’

“Dirge our paths crossed for a reason, you were the best student I had and that was not a coincidence. This too, is not a coincidence. This is both our destinies. Your pale wyvern skin goes against your subtle nature, it challenges your training in subterfuge. It’ll make your life harder, I aim to coat it black. I will consume that crystal Dirge; and before I kill myself — you must end me. The crystal’s power will escape my being and regather as the crystal itself, in its cradle at the heart of Mount Darke. With that done, my dear Dirge, you’d bathe in its energy as it escapes me rendering your skin black. You’ve already passed the test and I believe you are ready to carry some of it powers in your skin — because you will, after all, become a dragon as soon as you kill me too. Two birds one stone, trust me Dirge, just do it.”

I walked out of that cave and headed to the overview point where Raigoth and Plyt stood, looking at Dracospire from a distance.

“Raigoth,” I uttered “I have a plan, but you’re not going to like it. We need to get in touch with V…” and before I could finish my phrase, a massive she-Dragon landed behind me.

“Looking for me Dirge?” I know that voice very well, the voice that aided my ascent to the throne of Dracospire once before.

“Nice to see you again, Vanralla”

