Top Stories published by SustainUS in November of 2015

19 Ways You Can Workfor Climate Justice

Article reposted from Buzzfeed.

If the sight of #COP21 makes you giddy, queasy, or want to go throw confetti onto perfect strangers in the street, you may be gearing up for the United Nations Climate Conference this December in Paris…

Looking back to move forward

Today, Heads of States delivered their opening remarks as COP21 launched in Paris. I sat in a room of eager listeners as President Obama spoke about the urgency of the climate crisis, the need for collective action, and the kind of world that we leave to today’s youth. Overall…

A Forgettable Success

Five months in the works and cold rain got the best of me. Morgan and I planned to end our bicycle-powered Climate Journey between the U.S. and Paris on one big, final, 100km day. Unfortunately, I have my mother’s poor circulation and so when the rain whipped across us in sheets last…