Halfway through 2020 already!

Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog
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1 min readJun 27, 2020

In the last newsletter, I spoke about completing half a century of published posts. As always, I was over ambitious and thought that the newsletter would be a weekly thing, but there’s a thing called moderation and I need to adhere to that.

In this one, we’re halfway through 2020 now — and I still have a lot to write, but not able to understand if I am able to write eloquently enough or not.

So some feedback would be helpful (whenever you have the time of course).

These are the articles I read again recently and would love it if you took the time to go through them — and share your suggestions, comments and of course, spread the word if you loved them!

As promised, here are the next two parts imported from Wordpress

-> What is Love (Part 2) | Friendship

-> What is Love (Part 3) | Romantic Love

-> Random Ranting | Solitude

(If you have been a long time subscriber, and know any article which deeply connected with you, let me know — I have planned follow-up articles on many original ones but not sure if what I said earlier was relatable enough or not!)

Until next time!



Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog

Aspiring writer || VNIT -> Goldman Sachs -> IIM B -> OYO -> Sixt || jondoe297svj.wordpress.com