How to participate in the SwissBorg Referendum II manually

Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018

For users who do not wish to or can not use the MetaMask extension, here is a guide on how to participate in the referendum manually, without using our voting interface.

If you’d like to participate using the voting interface, please follow this guide.

If you’d like to read more about the technical aspects of organizing a referendum on the blockchain, here’s an article we wrote on that topic.

If at any point you encounter problems and need help, please consult our FAQs for the referendum, join our Reddit channel or email

Receiving RSB tokens

As a CHSB token holder, you will have received RSB tokens automatically in the same wallet where you hold CHSB tokens, if tokens were in your own ERC-20 wallet (such as MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, ImToken, Eidoo, etc.) between 18/07/2018 to 20/07/2018, but not if your tokens were in an exchange.

RSB tokens will be used exclusively to vote in the referendum, and tokens not used by the end of this referendum will be burned, thus disappearing from your wallet.

The easiest way to check if you have received RSB tokens is to enter your wallet address in the search field of

Before voting

Your vote will influence the development of the SwissBorg Platform so please read the documentation provided before voting. Your careful consideration of the criteria presented is very important for the future of SwissBorg.

Read the Short Presentation about Referendum #2
Read the One-pager: Referendum #2

How to cast your vote manually, without the voting interface.

Step 1: Add the custom details for the RSB2 token

In order to be able to see and transfer your RSB tokens, you will first need to add the custom token details to your wallet.

Contract address: 0xea8B30B0bF4aefB965a8FDF0CCacAfd17ad740AD

Token symbol: RSB2

Decimals: 8

In MyEtherWallet, this can be found towards the bottom of the page in the right sidebar.

Step 2: Transfer your RSB tokens to your chosen answer address

The question is: Which category should SwissBorg focus on for the first ICO competition?

To vote for answer A: Communications and Social Networks, send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0xfF5a260FC23deaD875A0e1797738C9cc6abcf058

To vote for answer B: Data & AI, send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0x09b60d9D55711134A0aAB2A3F521DA0Ace2d8653

To vote for answer C: Finance, send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0xcb8169936018f9a22414ddbE22BcDe5670c9eCDd

To vote for answer D: Gaming, send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0x43061b5aF98387ed9c2D3Bc1b3FdE79DcaD544a1

To vote for answer E: Hospitality & Entertainment, send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0x9A8637d6E45c5E66036106B48104488CeE52F8fc

To vote for answer (any category / blank vote), send your RSB tokens to the following address: 0xbcaad198ed2e2411A7E3067EbD5CFda75f8D115d

Recommended transfer settings:

To ensure your tokens are sent successfully, we recommend the following settings:

Gas limit: 200000 units

Gas price: Please check “Recommended gas price” on and adjust accordingly. (between 1–3 Gwei)

Final step: Receiving your reward

After submitting your vote, the reward will be calculated and sent to the same wallet you used to participate in the referendum, automatically.

Due to possible network congestions, please allow up to two days or more for the reward to appear in your wallet.

Please check to see if you have received the reward.

Still need help?

If at any point you encounter problems and need help, please consult our FAQs for the referendum, join our Reddit channel or email



Cyborg @SwissBorg
SwissBorg DAO

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