3 Fastest Ways To Scale Your Blog

The fastest and easiest methods I know

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Astronaut riding a rocket — 3 Fastest Ways To Scale Your Blog
Image by Author via Canva

As a blogger, you want to find ways to scale your blog quickly.

Bigger blogs get more traffic and make more money. Period. However, it takes most solo bloggers months or years to write even 100 blog posts. And that is still considered a small site.

To reach 300, 500, or 1,000 posts sometimes takes a decade.

But there are three ways to scale your blog much more quickly. This guide is about those methods, how to use them, and a few ways to do them even cheaper.

Quick & Easy Does Not Mean Free

Quick, easy methods to scale your site do not mean free methods.

While it is possible to find free methods to help you scale your site, these methods often require much more time and effort than those that are paid.

At the same time, the three methods that I believe might be the fastest and easiest are not the most expensive either.

My criteria for developing this rapid-scale system are:

  • The methods must scale sites as fast as possible
  • The methods must scale sites as easily as possible
  • The methods must scale sites as cheaply as possible

I’m constantly looking for ways to build websites better and faster without breaking the bank.

This 3-part system meets all of these criteria.

The 3 Fastest Ways To Scale Your Blog

Here are the three best methods to grow your blog fast:

  1. Exploit rapid-ranking keywords
  2. Create SEO outlines on autopilot
  3. Publish an island of content

The good news is that there are relatively inexpensive tools to automate all three methods.

I’ll also share a few 100% free ways to do pretty much the same thing.

Exploit Rapid-Ranking Keywords

When you know what keywords to target, you can create content that is primed to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

The problem with most keyword search methods is that you don’t know how long it is going to take to rank. You might be waiting two months or two years. You just don’t know.

There is no 100% guaranteed way to know with absolute certainty.

How fast it takes to rank keywords varies by:

  • Keyword difficulty
  • Niche
  • Site authority
  • Content quality

A great tool for finding these fast-ranking keywords is RankIQ (Not an affiliate link).

There are three reasons why RankIQ helps you rank faster than most other keyword research tools:

  • RankIQ was developed by a blogger for individual bloggers
  • RankIQ provides hand-picked keywords for almost every niche
  • RankIQ tells you how easy a keyword is to rank AND how quickly you can rank for that keyword
  • RankIQ also shares HOW to rank by using an AI engine to give you the topics to include in your article

Since this is the first and most important step, let’s recap: you locate pre-validated easy keywords in your niche where you can rank very quickly.

As a bonus, go to the SERP and make sure the keyword is not directly targeted in any of the content in the first 10 articles.

Now repeat this step until you find at least 10 related keywords.

To really smash this process, find 100+ keywords. Not all 100 need to be exactly related but that is ideal. If they can’t all be related, divide them into smaller clusters of 10+ related keywords.

By related, I mean:

  • 10–100 keywords about mountain climbing
  • 10–100 keywords about single mothers dating
  • 10–100 keywords about Australian butterflies
  • 10–100 keywords about popcorn machines

Generate SEO Outlines on AutoPilot

Now that you have a big list of 100+ keywords on related topics, it’s time to flesh those keywords out into SEO outlines.

As you might have noticed, RankIQ helps by giving you specific topics to cover in your article. Those specific topics become some of your subheadings.

Another way to automate SEO outlines is to use a tool like Jasper AI or WordHero. These tools sometimes offer lifetime deals so watch out for those.

For example, WordHero has an unlimited lifetime deal at the time of this writing.

Whether you get an unlimited deal or not, any of these tools can save you time and money in the long run. Once your site is scaled, you will start to earn residual income from display ads and affiliate links.

If you’re looking to quickly and effectively scale your blog, I recommend tools like RankIQ and WordHero to autogenerate your blog post outlines.

Don’t skip or skimp on this method.

You should be spending time putting together the best outline possible. You’ll see why that matters so much in a second.

Here are some best practices for your SEO outlines:

  • All of your subheadings should relate directly to your overall keyword
  • All of your subheadings should make common sense to include in the article
  • Some of your subheadings should include related sub-keywords (but still very relevant to your big main keyword)

Publish an Island of Content

Admittedly, this is the strangest name of the three methods to scale your blog.

But I named it this way on purpose.

Publishing an island of content means using a bulk content writing agency to publish a massive amount of connected content on your blog quickly and affordably.

Here’s the simple breakdown of this strategy:

  • Use your keywords and outlines as briefs for the bulk content to write your articles
  • Order as many articles as you can afford 10–1,000
  • Publish all of the articles (your island) over the course of 30–90 days (Six months is about the maximum)
  • Go through each post and start updating and tweaking (as needed)

I know what you must be thinking: Um…Christopher, this method sounds very expensive.

And it can be, depending on how you do it.

The method I use is not as expensive as hiring 10 or 100 writers to generate articles for your website. Most good freelance writers wouldn’t return your email for anything less than $100-$300 per article.

Per article.

That means 10 articles can cost you $1,000 at a minimum.

The costs just get scarier from there. The more content you want to publish (remember that island), the more bankrupt you’ll go.

You basically have three options:

  • Write all the content yourself (which, as we mentioned, will take you a very long time)
  • Hire expensive writers or content agencies to write high-quality SEO-optimized content (very expensive, but if you can afford it, go for it)
  • Use a less expensive bulk content agency that relies on human and AI tools to produce and publish the content for you at a much better price.

The best bulk content agency I’ve found so far (and personally tested) is called Rocket Content AI (not an affiliate link).

Here’s why I like them for this method:

  • They are MUCH cheaper than anyone else
  • They follow your outlines (that’s why those outlines are so important)
  • They create ok content (it’s good, not great. It’ll rank but you’ll probably not brag about it to your blogging buddies)
  • You can hire them to write and publish 10, 100, or 1,000 articles for your blog

Here is a video I made about my experience with Rocket Content AI:

YouTube video by Writing Secrets

Scaling Your Blog Fast With These Three Methods

When you put all three of these methods together, you start to see the big picture of what is possible.

It’s entirely possible to publish 100 or even 1,000 articles in 30 days!

In fact, if you have the right system in place, you can reach 100,000+ visitors within 2–12 months. As you grow toward that traffic benchmark, you can really monetize your website with ads and affiliate links.

Within 30 days, you can add Google Adsense to your site.

You can add Ezoic ads as soon as you get 1,000 pageviews every month (that will likely happen within 3–4 months). Then you move to Mediavine at 50,000 page views and Adthrive at 100,000.

Each of these ad platforms often pays you more than the others.

If you’ve followed the entire formula (fast keywords built around topic clusters, SEO outlines, and bulk publishing), then you should see your traffic and revenue explode in the first year.

I Promised To Show You How To Do This Cheaper

The cheapest way is to manually do everything yourself for “free.”

You could, theoretically, do all the keyword research, outline your articles, and write 30 articles per month. At the end of three months, you’ll almost have those 100 articles.

At the end of a year, you’ll have published 360.

That’s a far cry from 1,000 but it’s pretty good for most solo bloggers. However, at that pace, you’ll probably burn out like a firecracker.

It’s not very sustainable.

So, how do you do it cheaper and yet still fast?

Here are some workarounds:

  • Do the keyword research yourself (there’s a learning curve, but you can figure out how to find 100–1,000 low-competition keywords in topical clusters). That might take you a month.
  • You could also purchase a tool like RankIq, Ahrefs, and Lowfruits.io for a month and then cancel your subscription. You could probably get it all done in 10 days or less with these tools.
  • You either build the outlines yourself, use cheaper AI tools for one month before canceling, or try the free H-Supertools AI Writer (which I tested this week and was actually impressed with. It’s pretty limited but, hey, it’s free).
  • For bulk writing and publishing, you either contract with cheap writers on gig marketplaces like Fiverr or use AI-writing tools to generate content for you at the click of a few buttons (you’ll still need to instruct, revise, and fact-check the ai content).

With your detailed outlines and easy keywords, you’ll grow your site faster than most other bloggers.

Final Thoughts

From the point where you hit publish on all that content, you really don’t need to do much else except watch your analytics, insert affiliate links, and update your articles (as needed).

You could, of course, repeat a process like this every year on your site.

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Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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