Photo by Breather on Unsplash

Most of us probably have an intuitive of sense or grasp of what others think of us. You generally know if someone likes you or dislikes you based on the sort of first impression you make with them, or on the basis some other combination of similarly subjective factors — looks, style, speech, and so forth.

Wouldn’t it be cool to explore a model that gives you a structured way to approach those impressions and interactions with others in a more reliable and consistent way than in comparison to going solely based off intuition?

I think so, and it turns out that there is a systematic way to break human interactions and perceptions down that’s frequently used in management.

It’s called the Johari Window.

While reading a few articles on business management and models of the self relevant to employees, I came across this cool heuristic, and I want to share the ideas with you because I feel that they’re really intuitive and will fit in with what most people already know.

In fact, it’s helped me re-evaluate and visualize my own relationships, leading to a bit more insight.

