The 3 Practical Things I’ll Do to Recharge & Recalibrate During the Holidays

Time to step away

Aldric Chen
The Startup


A guy looking away while working on his laptop.
Photo by Chris Alupului on Unsplash

I have never been a holiday person.

Actually, that is not entirely true. I used to be one. But things change when I hit 35.

Work, writing on the side, and running my own 1-Man consulting practice became interesting. Vacations? Not so. Business trips? For sure!

Yes, I am addicted to my work.

And I hate to break my momentum.

But, that said, I learned to step aside from the daily grind even though I love it. A high work output without taking time to absorb new things is the perfect recipe for,

And so, I learned to step back and observe the big picture.

Embarking on a Journey to Answer Questions I Asked Myself During the Year

Connecting with my inner self is a non-negotiable thing I do every end of the year.

I collect a barrage of questions throughout the year. They are questions I never get to address for 11 months as work and…



Aldric Chen
The Startup

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.