What I Learned in My First Month as a Freelancer

Setting up shop, creating income streams, attracting my first clients and planning

N.A. Turner
The Startup


Photo by Anna Auza on Unsplash

Earlier this year I said I’d quit my job, go travel and then start freelancing. I did one and two, and now I’m pursuing my third promise to myself.

It’s scary and fun. It’s challenging and rewarding. And I think it’s a lifestyle that fits me. I like to be flexible and do what I want whenever I want. I know, very millennial of me, but the opportunities are here!

Plus, there’s a reason I want to do this. I want to create an environment in which I get to spend more time actually writing, work fewer hours while earning sufficient income. And I know it’s possible.

Ever since I got back from South America, I had the travel blues, but I also needed to start building a business. A business with me as the sole employee.

I’ve learned a lot in this month of starting and I hope I can help other people who are considering to start for themselves too.

Starting and Setting Up Shop



N.A. Turner
The Startup

I write about writing & creativity. Short story writer and novelist. Amazon best-selling author. Free eBook with writing tips: bit.ly/TurnerMail