Syntropy Stack + Terraria: Gaming Integration

One more step in making Syntropy the go-to technology for launching secure and optimized gaming experiences.

Jonas Simanavicius
2 min readApr 15, 2021

The entire gaming world can benefit from Syntropy. Our tech lets you create encrypted-by-default experiences with a few clicks. And when our network is integrated, these users will get built-in performance optimization, reducing ping times by up to 80%.

We’ve already introduced integrations for Minecraft and CS:GO. Ultimately, we want easy-to-use integrations for every gaming universe and platform. Today, we’re excited to take another step in that direction by adding support for: Terraria.

Click here to follow all Syntropy+Gaming integrations on GitHub.

Watch the Syntropy+Terraria integration in action

By using Syntropy, your gaming data is secure at the source. That’s useful on an individual level, but also has clear benefits for large communities like Terraria, which can be vulnerable to DDoS attacks, malware, and data extortion.

We recently launched our DARP Genesis Node. When DARP is integrated into the rest of the tech stack, gamers will also benefit from optimized performance. Syntropy minimizes packet loss, reduces latency, and stabilizes connections even with hundreds of players connected across several continents.

Whether it’s CS:GO, Minecraft, Terraria, or any other gaming experience, the goal is simple: give gamers easy access to Syntropy, providing them with security and performance benefits that they can’t get anywhere else.

Start using Syntropy+Terraria

The public internet was not designed for fast and secure gameplay. By providing nano-segmented encryption, performance, and facilitation, Syntropy ensures an equitable and safe experience for players across any game or location.

You can access our tech stack within minutes by registering here. More gaming integrations are on the way. Follow our Twitter for the latest updates, and join our Telegram to get involved.

