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Integromat can process and create XML files

We have added a neat feature for working with XML. The XML package lets you process data in XML format so that Integromat can further work with the data content or even create a new XML content.

Automation of the week: Collecting customer feedback made easy!

We recently added two new Automation for JIRA actions to create JIRA Service Desk customers and requests. Read our release blog to see these two in action. Today we’re going to take a look at how you can use them in the…

Don’t let corporate America threaten you with robots

Interesting editorial from the New York Times today. I certainly wasn’t aware of this:

If automation were rapidly accelerating, labor productivity and capital investment would also be surging as fewer workers and…

Play Learning Mix 2: Feel Automation

By TheNewABC

“Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You.”

Consider to play this mix:

  • Be like a child and learn by doing.
  • Try first. Then feel.