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Cloud Computing

Have the big cloud providers won the machine learning advantage?

At ReInvent last week, Amazon announced GuardDuty, which provides “intelligent threat detection and continuous monitoring” for your AWS workloads. With one click, you can enable real time analysis of events, network…

《TAAI 2017》 會後感

TAAI 2017 (The 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence) 是一個年度的國際學術研討會,由來自全球從事人工智慧應用及技術的相關研究領域的人員共同參與。

今年有幸參與這樣的研討會是個難得的機會與體驗。這篇文章不談技術細節,雖然標題取為 《TAAI 2017》 會後感,不過主要是我自己想對近幾年資訊科技演進的做一個比較系統性的疏理。
