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Top 12 Wardrobe Staples for Women in Finance

What’s our favorite thing about working at MM.LaFleur? Easy: getting to chat with our amazing customers all day, every day. We’re always fascinated to see which styles work best for women in different industries. We recently explored the pieces beloved…

Pollock: Congress must enact the Financial CHOICE Act

R Street distinguished senior fellow Alex Pollock recently testified before the House Committee on Financial Services regarding the Financial CHOICE Act and government control of financial capital. Below is his testimony.

How Does Revenue-Based Financing Work?

Originally Published by The Capterra Finance Software Blog

Small businesses usually rely on two sources of funds to get started — loans and credit facilities. Typically, both of these sources require businesses to show that they have…

How Can you Turn $500 into $1, $2, or $3 Thousand within a Month?

Original post to: most profitable $500, 1-month investment on Quora.

A lot of people think this has to do with the stock market, money market, or other market related. This is out of the…

What Is an Investment?


One reason lots of people fail, even very woefully, hanging around of investing is that they listen to it without knowing the rules that regulate it. It becomes an obvious truth that you cannot win a game should you violate its rules. However, you must…