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LocalMonero: A Vital Fiat Gateway for XMR

It has been around one week since the launch of LocalMonero.co and buyers and sellers of the privacy-focused cryptocurrency have already traded monero in many…

ERM Flashcards — Part 6 FINAL

ERM Implementation

Final versions: [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]

  • [30] Reasons to hold capital (3): 1. manage cashflow (working capital); 2. facilitate growth / new ventures (development capital); 3…

To Help More People

What can you do with $528 million?

You can pay 6,857 research scientists a year’s salary as they work to find a cure for cancer.

You can buy 996,226 bottles of Novolog or Humalog, two of the most common brands of insulin, and give them to…

Humility as a guard against complacency and overconfidence

This post originally appeared at Abnormal Returns on September 1, 2017. You can stay up-to-date with all of our posts via our daily e-mail newsletter.