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What is The Best Way to Explain Your Startup?

Anybody who reads the blog regularly will know that I’m long video. I’ve made 5 investments in the sector and I hope to make 5 more. Between the US & Europe alone the video sector is worth around $500 billion. And TV / Film / Video Games / Virtual…

Tools throughout History

A Cooper-Hewitt Exhibit

A recent adventure to NYC’s Cooper-Hewitt museum brought me to an exhibit titled “Tools: Extending Our Reach”, which features tools and technology through history — split into 6 categories: work, measure, communicate, observe, make and…

Notes and Advice from the #decodingTech event at C4Q

Last week, I was on a panel at C4Q with a group of great speakers sharing experiences on how we have made it into tech. I left inspired by all the advice from the panelists, so I wrote them down. I hope you find the answers useful for…

Apple Watch Early Thoughts

I received my Apple Watch Sport this past Monday. I have been using it for about 3-days now and I wanted to jot down a few of my first impressions.

An Honest Apple Watch Review

As you know, I was one of the first people to test and review the Pebble smart watch, the Kreyos smart watch, and the Rufus Cuff Wrist Communicator (I’m still waiting for it to be completed and shipped to me). I’m a big wearable technology activist as well a futurist. I feel as…