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The most sophisticated chat & chatbot platform in Indonesia right now
Note from the editor

Talkabot is a start-up that uses an Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop chatbot that helps increasing your business.

Go to the profile of Distra
Go to the profile of Farhan F. Ramadhan
Farhan F. Ramadhan
the best national anthem is the radiohead one.
Go to the profile of Melati Sukma
Go to the profile of Mochamad Kevin
Go to the profile of Distra
Go to the profile of Avita Puteri
Avita Puteri
A melancholic who solves problem through words.
Go to the profile of Arbha Witarsa
Arbha Witarsa
An ant in a little colony, who have a dream to become an elephant.
Go to the profile of Farhan F. Ramadhan
Farhan F. Ramadhan
the best national anthem is the radiohead one.