What I learned from my first hackathon

This guest post was written by Clancy Schuller, a participant at the 2017 Tanda Hackathon.

This year was my first Hackathon and really my first interaction with coding, webhooks and APIs for that matter. I didn’t have much of any idea…

Antifragility and git flow

Antifragility is a concept coined by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb to describe things that benefit from…

What I learned from the Tanda Hackathon

This guest post was written by Kalina S, a participant at the 2017 Tanda Hackathon.

I always imagined Hackathons to look a bit like a 90’s Lan Party. Turns out, I was wrong.
When I first heard about the Tanda Hackathon 2017, I was…

What actually happens at a Tanda hackathon?

Every year we run a Tanda hackathon. Actually, that’s a lie — this year we’ve already done one in Manila, but we’re now gearing up for our Brisbane one, which should be even bigger. Anyway, an integral part of organising a hackathon is people asking you…

EC2 fun with Tanda webhooks

This guest post was written by Bernd Hartzer, who competed at the 2017 Tanda Hackathon.

This year I went to my first Tanda hackathon in Brisbane. The theme for the hackathon was webhooks, to celebrate Tanda’s new webhooks platform. One of the cool things…

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