Go to Tanka Town
Tanka Town
Tanka Town shares fictional tanka, haiku, and haibun poetry.
Note from the editor

Tanka Town shares fictional tanka, haiku, and haibun poetry. Please read the Submission Guide for instructions on becoming a writer and sharing your work.

Go to the profile of Alex Godley
Alex Godley
I’m a humble bard who likes to play with words and create new worlds. I also like chocolate. And cake.
Go to the profile of KateElizabeth
I like to experiment with different forms of poetry, as well as some flash fiction.
Go to the profile of Alyse Rowe
Alyse Rowe
Addicted to books, music and adventures. Creative writer. Book reviewer.
Go to the profile of Maria Marais
Maria Marais
Avid reader, gardener and visual artist originally from South Africa, now living in Australia.
Go to the profile of KateElizabeth
I like to experiment with different forms of poetry, as well as some flash fiction.
Go to the profile of Madeleine McDonald
Madeleine McDonald
Writer with a magpie mind. Former UN translator and precis-writer.
Go to the profile of Roxanne Barbour
Roxanne Barbour
I have been reading science fiction since the age of eleven. I have written many scifi novels including and AN ALIEN COLLECTIVE, ALIEN INNKEEPER, SACRED TRUST.
Go to the profile of Breezy
Writer/Poet/ Self-published author: “Cravings: Love, Passion, Desire”…… Poetry/Nature, Dog, Beach Lover https://store.bookbaby.com/book/cravings and on Amazon
Go to the profile of Jaylee Reign
Jaylee Reign
… with a wilderness heart დ
Go to the profile of Joe Merkle
Joe Merkle
I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.
Go to the profile of Jane Smallwood
Jane Smallwood
Passionate about poetry; mine is a work in progress. I’m an editor who reads a lot, but when I read in my free time, I don’t change a word. Love to paddleboard!
Go to the profile of Scott Zosel
Scott Zosel
Poet, songwriter, dream inhaler. See the real me here – https://linktr.ee/scottzoselmusic
Go to the profile of Aviilokín K'shi (S. Komatsu)
Aviilokín K'shi (S. Komatsu)
Wandering poet, humble mystic; spiritual author. SpiritualNovels.Net | |twitter.com/spiritualnovels
Go to the profile of Willow Schroeder
Willow Schroeder
American expat living in Germany. English teacher, writer, photographer and avid traveler. Editor of My Fair Lighthouse. I require a constant supply of tea.
Go to the profile of Dee Rhymes With Tree
Dee Rhymes With Tree
Words and art by one who wears their art on their blood and grass stained dungarees. Dee Lister. She/they
Go to the profile of Peculiar Julia
Peculiar Julia
Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them? linktr.ee/peculiarjulia