Taxa Monthly Highlights for January 2020

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020

We hope 2020 is treating you well. Here come Taxa’s monthly highlights for January.


2019 Retrospective

We published 2019 Retrospective to the community on Jan 14, where we reflected on what we achieved on technology and ecosystem development in 2019:

  • Completed the core engineering of Taxa Network;
  • Alpha released Taxa SDK at ETHBoston;
  • Collaborated with ecosystem partners such as NKN, Harmony and Cocos-BCX.

2020 Roadmap

We believe 2020 is the year when privacy technologies make Web 3.0 operational. On Jan 30 we announced our draft 2020 roadmap on technology, ecosystem, and community:

  • Release Taxa mainnet and Taxa SDK in the spring of 2020;
  • Continue to grow the Taxa ecosystem with Layer 1 and 2 projects;
  • Bring on mining and wallet partners;
  • Kick off community engagement programs.

Meetup “Web 3 in 2020 & Beyond”, San Francisco Bay Area

On January 28, Taxa, Polkadot, Nervos and Harmony, the four projects at the frontier of Web 3 development co-hosted a developer community meetup “Web 3 in 2020 & Beyond” towards the tech community of San Francisco Bay Area.

The meetup started with a panel “Web 3 in 2020: Multi-chain, Privacy, and Ecosystem”. The panelists who joined are: TF Guo, Co-founder of Taxa; Surag Sheth, Business Development of Web3 Foundation; Matt Quinn, Community Operation of Nervos; and Edgar Aroutiounian, Core Protocol Engineer of Harmony.

Below is a selection of their lively discussions.

“It’s a new architecture of interface applications that use cryptographic and distributed databases.”

— Matt Quinn, Community Operations of Nervos, on Web 3

“Many projects are solving what other projects can’t do or aren’t good at, starting to build the ecosystem.”

— TF Guo, Co-founder of Taxa Network, on rising middleware

“Privacy is not just about hiding transactions. There are a lot of unsolvable problems that we know, but there are tons that creative people haven’t realized the connection between these new tools and existing problems.“

— Edgar Aroutiounian, Core Protocol Developer of Harmony, on privacy technologies

“Most people still think that Bitcoin equals Cryptocurrency equals Blockchain. You need to be able to educate these kinds of people what the benefit of this technology really is, and what implications have not been paid attention to.”

— Surag Sheth, Business Development of Web3 Foundation, on blockchain adoption

Before the end of the panel, the panelists got to answer questions asked by the audience.

The meetup continued with keynotes given by the co-hosts one by one.

During the keynotes, Taxa, Polkadot, Nervos and Harmony shared the projects’ latest progress and next moves in the year ahead.

Check out the recap here.


Taxa Core:

  • Upgraded attestation protocol to the latest version;
  • Improved error reporting and handling mechanism for the TEE-Python runtime.

Taxa SDK:

  • Developed and tested client-side Python SDK;
  • Updated the developer documentation.

Engineers, Marketers, Ops — We are hiring!

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The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain