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Remote Teamcraft by Keepers
Welcome to Remote Teamcraft by Keepers, your go-to resource for mastering the art of managing remote and multicultural teams.
Note from the editor

Remote Teamcraft is a dedicated platform aimed at enhancing the capabilities of managers leading remote and multicultural teams. With a focus on practical insights from HR specialists, our mission is to fundamentally improve the way work is conducted by helping managers not just adapt, but thrive in building cohesive, high-performing, and happy teams. Join our mission to redefine remote work and multicultural team management by sharing your insights and expertise with a global audience. Become a contributor to Remote Teamcraft by emailing us at remoteteamcraft@keepers.team.

Go to the profile of Barbara Resende
Go to the profile of Ed Cravo
Go to the profile of Ed Cravo
Ed Cravo
Co-founder at Keepers.