Go to TEDxULisboa
Porque para todos os assuntos há diferentes pontos de vista, em 2020 trazemos-te novas perspectivas sobre temas variados. Junta-te ao movimento TED e ajuda-nos a partilhar ideias que merecem ser espalhadas! 💡
Note from the editor

No TEDxULisboa, queremos dar voz a diferentes perspectivas. Junta-te ao movimento TED e ajuda-nos a partilhar ideias que merecem ser espalhadas! 💡

Go to the profile of João Apura
João Apura
Product Manager. Conference organiser. Dog owner. Passionate runner & cyclist.
Go to the profile of Inês Jorge Ferreira
Inês Jorge Ferreira
Passionate about solving problems while learning and focusing on good execution. Day by day one step closer to make a difference in someone’s 🌍.
Go to the profile of Mariana Lamas
Go to the profile of Beatriz Moreira
Beatriz Moreira
I’m a Gryffindor with what I believe is a great sense of humour. I automaticallly like a movie or song more if it’s old. I love dogs and swimming pools.
Go to the profile of Ana Carvalho
Go to the profile of Afonso Raposo
Afonso Raposo
I'm a Biomedical Engineering student at Instituto Superior Técnico. I'm also a Mobile Developer at TEDxULisboa. I'm here to learn and help if I can 🤓
Go to the profile of Pedro Pereira
Go to the profile of Winy Rosa Paulino Mule
Go to the profile of Rafael Outeiro
Rafael Outeiro
A content writer driven by crazy ideas and an even crazier thrist for understanding this world and its people
Go to the profile of inescorreia.home.blog
Fotografias. Frases inspiradoras. Vivências do dia-a-dia e criatividade. Blog: https://inescorreia.home.blog/
Go to the profile of Rita Medina
Go to the profile of Maria João
Go to the profile of Rui Lopes
Rui Lopes
Entrepreneur and CEO at Safarka. Passionate about the entertainment industry, immersive experiences & science.