Top Stories published by The 700-Word Read in 2023

The 700-Word Read

Dr. Brené Brown Nails Narcissists in 4 Sentences Flat

The 700-Word Read

The Photo of Einstein’s Desk That Led to Decades of Debate About Productivity

The 700-Word Read

Shostakovich’s Patriotic 10th Symphony Was Secretly Really Unpatriotic

The 700-Word Read

Actually, Multitasking Isn’t *That* Bad. 3 Tips to Do It Well

The 700-Word Read

Brené Brown’s ‘1x1 Index Card’ Tip Is an Antidote for Haters

The 700-Word Read

Lizzo Now Officially 100% That Bitch® in Trademark Rejection Reversal

The 700-Word Read

A Growth Mindset Won’t Help You Get Into Flow — But This Will

The 700-Word Read

The Quiet Truth in Daniel Kwan’s Impostor Syndrome Confession

These were the top 10 stories published by The 700-Word Read in 2023. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2023 by using the calendar at the top of this page.