Go to The All-Self
The All-Self
The All-Self publication is my personal account of Life as it is reshaped by my now-moments, memory, imagination and subconscious. In traveling with me, you are invited to witness and honor the great magnitude of your being as a singular expression of The Infinite Experience.
Note from the editor

This is an invitation to journey with me into self, to uncover that which is hidden from you, about you — about the beingness and doingness of you. Though this journey resides within my story — through my experiences and in my imagination — it is a doorway to your story, to the unfolding of your reality. Through projection, reflection, provocation or validation the goal is for each of you to discover and journey on your own path. So I invite you to walk with me into the unknown, to untangle the myriad memories, understandings and circumstances that inform your essential self. Because this is my story, it will dive into themes that may or may not interest you. And a lot of themes will be repeated and reworked because I’m a work-in-progress. This journey into self is not about punishment, or redemption, or justification, or salvation. This journey is about recognising self, relating to self, witnessing self, and choosing self. But in order to make informed decisions about self, in order to become a truthful version of self, one needs to know and understand who the self is in its now-moments. So, welcome aboard. I’m grateful to have you with me. And I hope you enjoy the read.

Go to the profile of Regina Fable
Regina Fable
Storyteller • Shadow-Worker • Earth Steward • Artist • Mentor | Harnessing the intuited word to embolden the honest self
Go to the profile of Regina Fable
Regina Fable
Storyteller • Shadow-Worker • Earth Steward • Artist • Mentor | Harnessing the intuited word to embolden the honest self