Go to Western Daoism and its Ancient Roots
Western Daoism and its Ancient Roots
From the most ancient teachings about integral living to the modern recognition of the organizational field, religion needs to leave behind creator myths, deities and rituals, and focus on the creator principle: the Loving Matrix that was called Dao (Tao) in ancient China.
Note from the editor

Since the most ancient integral scholarly traditions, before the onset of religions, truth seekers around the globe knew that there is a subtle path to spiritual knowledge that is unofficial and heretic. This knowledge was to be found with the Daoist Sages, in the East, and the Alchemists, in the West. During the 20th century, it has been fundamentally enriched by quantum physics, systems theory and consciousness research. We are now at the important crossroads that recognizes a natural loving matrix as the creator principle, situated not outside of nature but contained within it. The resulting approach to religion needs to be autonomous and self-sufficient, aiming at the activation of the interconnecting field in one’s personal life and relationships.

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Peter Fritz Walter
Writer, Artist, Musician, Media Producer | peterfritzwalter.com | Twitter @pierrefwalter